Hello World! Contextual Identity Within the Spacetime Continuum
Hello world! I think that’s the obligatory first line for any technology blog, right? But, how do you know I am here? How do you know I exist? I have a blog profile, I have a picture, I have a blog tagged to my name. All of these are contextual clues that I exist in reality, without actually being p…
To the Cloud: Why We’ve Moved to an API-Based Architecture – Part 2: Identity as a Service
This is part 2 in a 2-part series about our API-based architecture. Part 1 explains how we provide content as a service to sellers. Federated identity is central to cloud computing. You can’t have a useful hybrid cloud service without it. //…
The Foundation for a Business Relevant Network
With the growing influx of new mobile devices, connected things, bandwidth intensive applications and more data, the network is more relevant to business success than ever before. Back in June of 2012, Cisco saw that we needed to move away from multiple network systems loosely linked together to an…
From Cisco Live London: Architecture updates posted here all week…
I am sitting and reflecting here at the start of Cisco Live London. As I walk the halls, I continue to be amazed by the size, depth, and breadth of this event. Networking continues to grow, and thousands of people are eager to come together to see the latest.…