cloud services

July 10, 2018


Are You Cloud Native?

In IT, the “next big thing” happens a lot. With technology moving so fast and shifting so quickly, sometimes it’s unclear where to best invest your time, effort, and dollars. In the cloud corner of IT, one of the next big things has been happening for a couple years now—cloud native computing. The r…

April 18, 2017


5 Reasons Why Businesses Are Turning to Collaboration as a Service

The way we work today has changed dramatically with growing flexibility in the workplace. With increase in user mobility, effective collaboration solutions are a must to maintain teamwork and improve productivity. To address the changing climate, many businesses have opted for collaboration as a ser…

Simplify your managed services and grow your market

Delivering Managed network services now costs less than ever. Whole new markets are ready and waiting for the benefits they bring. It took years for alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, to become affordable to consumers and profitable for providers. The same is true of managed n…

June 1, 2016


Meeting the Challenge of Reselling Cloud Services

Today’s Guest Blog comes to us courtesy of Steve Vicinanza, CEO of Cirrity. As a reseller, your customers depend on you to fully qualify and carefully select the products and services you recommend. This is especially true when you resell cloud computing services, which establish a dependency betwee…

February 23, 2016


Not All Clouds Are Created Equal

Does the idea of building out your own data center make you pause? Remember, the cloud enables you to leverage the investment service providers have made in cloud to reduce your own CAPEX and OPEX spending. You can literally transform how you do business with a wide range of infrastructure, collabor…

February 11, 2016


Cisco Live Berlin: Managing the Hyper Adoption of Cloud

As I shared in my last blog, cloud use is rampant, pervasive, exploding! As a short recap, large organization are now using an average of 1,220 cloud services (most unknown to IT departments). The tremendous spike in cloud service usage presents challenges for IT including higher business risks, cos…

January 19, 2016


Shadow IT: Rampant, Pervasive, and Explosive!

When wireless for LAN burst onto the scene, companies were a lot slower than their employees to embrace it. Employees didn’t want to be tied to their desks.  So they brought in their own wireless access points, stashing them under desks and in conference rooms. Soon companies began realizing they ha…

January 19, 2016


A Promise From A Cloud Provider That Means Something

There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes in cloud. This makes it difficult to know how reliable a provider’s cloud is going to be. Many are best-effort implementations, meaning you only have the provider’s word for it that their cloud is reliable. These providers also often employ a white-box in…

January 13, 2016


Turbo-Charge Your Cloud Conversations and Uncover New Business Opportunities

I’ve spent a lot of time on the road over the last few months.  Europe.  Asia.  Canada.  Latin America.  And everywhere I go I talk to our partners.  The one constant: frustration over their ability to have a deep conversation with customers about cloud. Partners have told me their customers want to…