As part of its support for employees during this pandemic, Cisco offered the entire organisation a ‘day for you’ last Friday, for employees to spend how they wish.
We asked our team to share how they spent the day across Australia & New Zealand, with varying experiences due to the current pandemic and different restrictions across the states.
Here’s how a few spent their ‘day for me’.
Ernie Hug, based in Melbourne 
I feel lucky to be working for a company that recognises there can be some added stress at this time, and offering us a ‘day for me.’ Based in Melbourne, we’re currently at stage four lockdown which means there are curfews, face masks and controlled exercising time for the past 5 weeks.
I was hoping for a sleep in, but woke up to the sound of the kettle boiling at 6.15am. After putting the bins out (which I had forgotten the night before), I helped my son to apply the resin to a surfboard he has been shaping – one of the many new activities in our household due to the extra time at home.
After a well-timed one hour walk (squeezing in time to pick up a coffee), I was able to help my son with maths, he is currently attending school virtually like everyone else in Victoria. In the afternoon I enjoyed some time watching movies with my daughter, and some sport too.
Normally on a day off (pre-pandemic) I would be down at the beach and watching the sunset over the water. I then think, “hey, it’s Friday!” and let my kids know they can choose takeout tonight, so long as my wife and I can book the lounge room out for dinner. We end up having a ‘wine and dine’ at home, with amazing Japanese food, almost like we were at a restaurant on a normal Friday night.
I really appreciated being thought of and to have some extra time for with my family. It went a long way.
Cori Drogemuller, based in Brisbane
‘A day for me’ really allows me to recharge and reconnect with my creative side, and there’s always life-admin. My favourite way to recharge is to get outside in nature.
I live in Brisbane, and this time of year is just amazing with blue skies, sunshine and 25-degree days and we are fortunate that we are able to move around (during the pandemic). I went for a trail run on Mt Coot-Tha on Friday morning with my pup, Bella.
I also managed to wash my car, spend time reading in my hammock in the garden and in the evening, I had my first watercolour painting class. I think I’ve discovered a new passion!
Julie Canepa, based in Sydney
Since the global pandemic began, IT teams around the world have been working at a feverish pace to ensure business continuity during work from home and a smooth return to office. Cisco’s internal IT team is no different. With long work hours plus managing three kids home during lockdown it has been a challenging and exhausting time. Having a ‘Day for Me’ was a real gift.
I rarely have these moments, so when Cisco told us to take it, I decided to use the day for re-energising myself. I took a trip to the coastline of Sydney and went for a hike along the beautiful cliffs. I enjoyed a swim in the ocean and a quiet coffee at the beach.
It was a great way clear my mind and I enjoyed every minute. Thank you Cisco!