Digital and Social

June 10, 2014


Quick Insights from the Big Boulder Data Event

On Thursday and Friday of last week, I attended the Big Boulder data conference, which brings together vendor, academics, analysts and practitioners of social data.  The purposes were many: discuss emerging trends, acknowledge the issues and challenges around privacy and security, and make introduct…

Video: What will it cost? Part 2

Video: What will it cost? Part 2 If you read my previous Blog about the cost of video you probably thought, “Ok, but how much will it cost? What are the numbers?” So here we go, part 2…. Some ground rules for the discussion. Not all corporate videos are created alike so I will break the discussion d…

May 16, 2014


Watch #CLUS Keynotes directly from

Have you ever wanted to go to the home page and see what John Chambers is saying right at that moment? Well, you’ve probably never had that exact wish, but that’s what we’ll be offering home page visitors starting on Monday, May 19th.  During the Cisco Live week May 19 – 22, visitors to th… Search Tune-up: The little things count

There’s a nice article by Web analysts SiteIQ this month about search, with the flattering headline “Cisco aces search again…” The post points out how we do little things like how we: 1. Link to Google for more search, in case you didn’t find what you were loo…

April 29, 2014


Social Media is the New Air Conditioning

Decades ago it was common place for people to sit outside on the front porch and chat while they cooled down from the heat of the day. Once air conditioning came along, neighborhood dynamics changed as people moved indoors.  Now social media is transforming the way we communicate with our neighbors.…

April 28, 2014


Video: Why Aren’t You Using it?

From Shirley Temple pulling Americans through the Great Depression to 2001: A Space Odyssey inspiring The Information Age to Star Wars giving us our next generation of scientists, astronauts, and futuristic technologies, video has always had the power to motivate and inspire us, now only imagine wha…

April 24, 2014

DIGITAL AND SOCIAL #tbt #throwbackthursday circa 1996. (I will brace myself for the “bring it back!” comments. 🙂 )…

April 22, 2014


How are You Sprucing Up Your Digital Strategy for Spring?

It’s springtime…typically the time of year when you need to purge your house of all the clutter that’s accumulated during the winter. At the same time, spring always reminds me to do some extra sprucing up around the Cisco digital house — and start checking it from top to bottom with renewed v…

April 18, 2014


10 Cool Mobile Apps from Cisco You Don’t Know But Should

How many apps do you have on your mobile phone or tablet? Too many? Do you use all of them? If you do, you’re in the minority. 22% of people use an app only once after they have downloaded it, according to a study by Localytics. When apps first came out, we all rushed to download as many as we could…