
September 25, 2014


Why the CFO Needs to Guide Technology Acquisition for Service Providers?

With telecom service providers (SP) increasingly using technology as a competitive differentiator, it is becoming important not only to acquire the right technology, but to acquire it in a way where it offers maximum benefit to the business. Rapid technological advancements have made it necessary fo…

September 24, 2014


CCAP+Remote PHY and the Path Towards FTTH, Unified Access and Virtualization

By John Chapman, Cisco Fellow, CTO, Cable Access BU This week, we and 10,000 or so hard-core engineering colleagues within the cable industry descend upon the city once known as the cable capital of the world — Denver, Colorado — and, like it’s been since the earliest days of the Society…

September 23, 2014


LTE-U By Any Other Name is Licensed-Assisted

I recently read the rather interesting announcement from NTT DoCoMo where they demonstrated LTE running over the unlicensed 5GHz band.  They report a 60% increase in spectral efficiency over IEEE 802.11n Wi-Fi.  The article also noticed that LTE-U is now referred to as Licensed-Assisted Access using…

September 22, 2014


SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2014: It’s a Wi-Fi Bonanza!

By David Alsobrook, Director, Strategy & Product Management, Cisco’s Connected Devices BU If there’s one thing that is absolutely unmistakable, going into this week’s IBC conference in Amsterdam, it’s the proliferation of Wi-Fi – a technology that’s also a service, and the industry’s…

September 19, 2014


Norway Looking to Lead in Customer Experience & Engagement

Norway’s longest running IT conference , IT-tinget concluded yesterday in the beautiful town of Tonsberg about an hour south of Oslo. The event has been running for 31 years now and is organized and run by Cisco’s partner Evry. This years theme is “#UserIsKing” , and Cisco hosted a special Retail Br…

September 18, 2014


Powerful API’s Unlock Location-based Services

We’ve all been there, seen it, and even done it ourselves. We’re talking or texting on our phones while walking around the isles of our favorite store. Half the time people are in a venue they’re more fixated on what’s happening on their phone than what’s around them. What about those brick and mort…

September 17, 2014


Cisco’s Visual Networking Index: Understanding the Evolution of Internet Users, Devices and Connections

Today’s networks are an essential part of business, education, government, and home communications. Many residential, business, and mobile Internet Protocol (IP) networking trends are being driven largely by the combination of video, social networking, and advanced collaboration applications, termed…

September 17, 2014


Carrier Wi-Fi for the Retail of Tomorrow

By Lisa Garza, Cisco Service Provider Marketing, Mobility Solutions When we first started developing Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences several years ago, we had a vision that carrier-grade Wi-Fi could change how we interact with public environments.  We knew that the rich information that Wi-Fi pro…