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September 17, 2017


IBC 2017: A Media Blueprint for the Intersection of Sports and the Transition to IP

Written by Joey Bischof, Sales Lead – Sports Broadcaster & Leagues Sports: Few (if any!) other categories of live entertainment garner as much “return on emotion,” to borrow a clever phrase coined by my colleagues over at EVS. And they’re right. Consider this: Sports is the least time-shif…

Lights, Camera, Action: Sparking Conversations with a Live Demo at NAB

Written by Shawn Tylka, Cable & Media Field Marketing Lead Cisco is committed to the transformation underway in media, a vibrant and growing industry, and the National Association of Broadcasters Show (NAB) is a key opportunity for us to show off what we have been up to and how we are helping ad…

PCs are finally catching up with cheap streamers

If you compare any video streamer to a reasonably new PC, then you will find that the PC spec is far superior to that of the streamer. But when it comes to actually viewing premium content – I mean 4K/UHD stuff – then streamers are clearly winning over the mighty PCs, including those used as game co…

September 22, 2016


Full Duplex DOCSIS®: Near Fiber Optic Capacity with Coax Cable

Some people think coax cable is past its prime and can’t keep up with fiber, but that’s not true. This past August at the CableLabs Summer Conference, Cisco unveiled a new silicon reference design for Full Duplex DOCSIS® technology which can deliver near fiber optic capacity over an existing cable p…

September 9, 2016


Weary of New Product Announcements? Want to Read About Real Momentum, Instead?

Instead of increasing the volume of new product announcements coming out of IBC 2016, this blog will focus on what’s really happening in the IP video marketplace. With some obligatory background: A few years ago, our broadcast and service provider video partners asked for a way to transition from ha…

Cisco @ IBC 2016: That’s A Mighty Tight Video Cloud!

It’s nearly IBC time, which means that some 55,000-ish of us are about to pack up for the massive RAI Amsterdam exhibit hall(s!) for five days of media and entertainment convention bliss. This also means it’s that time when people start asking about what we’ll be focused on, demonstrating, and annou…

The race to gigabit internet is on, and cable operators can take a shortcut

Nobody loves door-to-door salesmen. Unless, that is, they’re offering fiber. Then, they’re more popular than the ice cream truck. If you’re a cable operator, that’s a big problem. Your competitors—both telcos and new entrants like Google—make fiber sound better than chocolate. They’re rolling it out…

At ANGA COM: Advancing Content Protection with DVB-CSA3 Encryption

If you’ve been waiting for marketplace evidence of the implementation of DVB-CSA3 — also known as version 3 of the Common Scrambling Algorithm, and the most advanced encryption algorithm for broadcast in the DVB standard — it’s to be found in Cologne, Germany, at this week’s ANGA COM. Eu…

Pushing the Virtualization Envelope on Primary Distribution

I’ll make a bet. If you ask any of the leaders in broadcast television to sum up this year’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention in three words, they would say: IP, Virtualization, and HDR. And that’s no surprise. Collectively, our entire video ecosystem is searching for ways to ap…