
November 18, 2015


Thanks to Cisco, Hospital Connects with Experts From Around the World

Here’s a question that has troubled physicians for years: how can a specialist, who is thousands of miles away, examine a patient accurately enough to come to a diagnosis?  Patients at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) are lucky that hospital administrators have come up with…

November 4, 2015


Moving Beyond Connecting People to Delivering Engaging Interactive Experiences

As organizations move toward digital transformation, they are embracing the benefits of delivering timely, personalized information to customers, citizens, and patients. Connecting people with information and services when, where, and how they want, is a pivotal point in the way organizations proces…

September 21, 2015


Intelligent InSites and CMX Make a Difference for Today’s Healthcare

A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes. This blog is one in a series that will highlight several of our CMX E…

August 7, 2014


Indoor Wi-Fi Location and Beacons: Better Together Part 2

Location-based services have been getting a lot of attention lately and people are increasingly curious about how Wi-Fi and beacons play together in the hot space that is indoor location technology. In my last blog I reviewed how beacons work and how to differentiate when to use Wi-Fi and beacons. T…

July 9, 2014


Indoor WiFi Location and Beacons: Better Together

In just two years, indoor location technology has taken off and attracted a lot of buzz across industries, from retailers to healthcare. But it’s no longer a conversation about just Wi-Fi – the introduction of beacon devices, including iBeacon, has added a new dimension to location technology for IT…

May 9, 2014


What, Why, Where, When, How: The New FCC Ruling Around 5 GHz

You don’t need me to tell you to know that we are in the midst of a technology revolution.  It’s mobilizing the internet.  And it’s transforming the way billions of people around the globe collaborate, communicate, and connect to the internet. •           The education customers I work with are inco…

April 25, 2014


The Future of Wireless: Times are Changing Before Our Eyes

We live in amazing times, ask anyone who ever had to look up a phone number in a phone book. In the past this was the only way you could find the number to your favorite restaurant if you wanted to make a reservation. Today, all we need to do is reach into our pocket or purse and grab our mobile dev…

April 16, 2014


Connected Healthcare: How Mobility Drives Better Care and a Healthier Society

As advancements in mobility continue to accelerate across all industries, one area that appears poised for some of the deepest transformation is healthcare. Already, we are seeing how mobility adoption in hospitals — along with new personal health-monitoring devices — is enabling better patient care…

October 16, 2013


Three Flavors of CMX Analytics: Onsite, Online & Social

Big data seems to be everywhere these days. Everywhere you look there are new companies and technologies that promise to crunch up enormous databases and instantly extract from them knowledge and understanding.  Although that sounds impressive, it raises the question – how can that help me and my bu…