Digital transformation

March 27, 2017


Cisco UCS Spelunking. Exploring Cisco’s Splunk Community and Other News Bits

  Splunk is one of our key Cisco UCS ISV Partners in the area of data and analytics for the Data Center.  Big Data as we all know throws off tons of structured and unstructured data and the ability to discover its meaning and therefore value requires good analytics capabilities. This is where S…

March 23, 2017


How Can IoT Accelerate Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation will be in full swing before you know it. By digitizing the most important assets through the Internet of Things (IoT), companies can dramatically grow their business, increase operational efficiency, and deliver exciting customer experiences. No wonder, IoT is predicted to be…

March 22, 2017


Smart manufacturing: when factories go digital

I dedicate time daily to read up on manufacturing technology and trends across many sectors of the industry. Usually I focus this time on reading blogs, industry articles, and reports that I’ve subscribed to or bookmarked over the years. On occasion I attend industry events which allows me to talk w…

March 22, 2017


Digital Transformation, Cloud and … a Cup Of Coffee?

I am not a big Starbucks fan but let us face it, it’s nice to go there, sit down and have a coffee while you work. The sound, the ambiance or let us say the customer experience it’s good. When you are in a hurry and especially if you are in a business area, the lines get very long and on a Monday mo…

Simplicity Powers Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is creating new business models, new customer experiences and improving workforce experience. It is changing the way we work, live and play. It involves connecting millions of endpoints and disparate types of data sources.  In the digital era, businesses are becoming more dyna…

Building Jio Scale

The term web-scale has been with us just a few years. Mainly referring to managing a data center infrastructure with capabilities to scale in size, speed and agility, it has usually been associated with large cloud service firms such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, Netflix.   It has not been associated…

March 16, 2017


Hybrid IT: The New Frontier

IT has evolved from running and maintaining traditional infrastructures, to a broader role of delivering new business outcomes. Enter Hybrid IT, which recognizes that where workloads run is just one small part of an entire IT infrastructure. More than just hybrid cloud, it’s a strategy that blends c…

Security Powers Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is disrupting businesses in every industry and breaking down barriers between people, businesses and things. Processes are getting digitally interconnected, organizations are embracing open ecosystems and digital engagements are increasing. All these are leading to increase in…

Leave Complex Multivendor Support Issues to Cisco

The world is complex and the pace of change is accelerating. New technologies drive innovation and growth. But what happens with that growth? An increasing amount of IT challenges related to managing those support contracts within complex heterogeneous environments. We hear from customers and the in…