Digital transformation
Digital Disruption in Financial Services: A Surprising 1-2-3 Connection
It’s not news that the financial services industry is being vigorously shaken by digital disruption. While this is true across industries, the wind gusts are particularly strong for financial companies. Financial Services (FSI ) firms are predominantly aiming their digital business initiatives at im…
It’s a Complicated World Out There – Thoughts on the Amazon S3 Outage
It’s a complicated world out there, especially when it comes to cloud. Customers are trying to figure out the right cloud strategy, and it isn’t easy. The Amazon S3 outage is an example of just how complex the situation is. While that interruption only lasted four hours, the impacts were felt far a…
Don’t Wait, Apply for E-rate by April 13th
In case you missed the news, the 2017 E-rate filing window opened on Monday, February 27th and it will close on May 11th. This means that applicant Form 470s must be posted by April 13th in order to allow the minimum 28-day competitive bidding process. If E-rate is new to you, or if you need a refre…
IDC Vendor Spotlight: Cisco Healthcare
For most healthcare organizations today, new business models and market pressures are presenting major challenges. In the shift from volume-based sick care to value-based healthcare, providers are aiming to improve the quality of care and patient experience while reducing costs. Life sciences organi…
Creating Business Services and The Next Element
The excitement, the energy, the sore feet once again engulfed us in the beautiful city of Barcelona for arguably the greatest show on Earth – Mobile World Congress. Well, for those of us in networking, anyway. The theme for Mobile World Congress 2017 is: The Next Element. Upon reading “The Next Ele…
Welcome to Cybersecurity in Public Sector
It’s like the scene in a movie when the good guy pulls out a knife thinking he has the upper hand over the villain…. and out of nowhere the bad guy pulls out an AR-15 automatic rifle! Fight over. Good guy goes down and loses. Welcome to cybersecurity in Public Sector. Agencies in Public Sector (g…
Service Provider IoT Solutions Can Drive Digitization
IoT adoption is growing. Cities are becoming smarter by optimizing parking revenues, waste management and collection routing, street lighting operations, and more. Airlines use real-time aircraft, airport, and weather sensor data to improve operations. As organizations embrace IoT to transform their…
Take Education from the Dark Ages to the Digital Age with Cisco DNA
I went to school in the Dark Ages. Alright, that may be a little melodramatic. It was San Francisco public schools in the 80’s and 90’s: we barely had enough musty, old textbooks to distribute to each student, school computers were used solely for Oregon Trail, and my teachers used noisy overhead pr…
Continuing the HIMSS17 Conversation
HIMSS17 is over, but the drive toward innovation and digital transformation will continue! According to Modern Healthcare, 42,287 providers, C-suite executives, IT managers, clinicians, government employees, and vendors from around the world attended the conference, which was held last week in Orla…