digital business transformation

October 11, 2017


Three Key Takeaways from Cox Communications’ Customer Presentation

I recently spoke with a select group of Cox Communications’ customers. The audience consisted of CXOs in gaming, healthcare, education, and the public sector. I was impressed with the dedication and commitment they showed to urgently solving the very difficult challenges of thriving in a world of di…

September 11, 2017


The Power of Data

What is data science? Is it just another buzz word for applied statistics? Some statisticians certainly think so. I believe data science is much more than that. Think transformation. Think about how connecting theory to actual data can enable better business decision-making that directly impacts com…

August 29, 2017


Proactive and Preemptive Infrastructure Management Helps Navigate Digital Disruption

The onslaught of digitization is sparing no industry. Digital competitors continue to disrupt traditional markets. I have the privilege of closely watching this nonstop transformation unfold at my clients in industries across the value chain from retail to high tech. Let us take an example from one…

Five Things Learned: IT Keys to Digital Business Value

Your company and Cisco are similar. Surprised? You might be surprised to know how similar. Just as within your organization, digital is transforming our business as well. That’s right. A company that helps others navigate the tides of digital business transformation is also feeling the tidal force.…

How is Cisco Digitally Transforming its Support?

Customers are now demanding much more from support services, and that is leading to a change in the support landscape. Customers want unified interactions using voice, video and email that helps to increase efficiency. They are looking for near time issue resolution to reduce costs, and they want to…

Six Considerations: The “How” of Digital Transformation

We see the pattern all the time. An innovation launches a trend. The trend coins a phrase. The phrase becomes a top-of-mind topic, prompting lively boardroom discussions. Generally, everyone agrees why the topic is important, but the practical aspects—the what and the how—sometimes lack clarity.  Th…

April 20, 2017


Toronto Innovation Centre: An Insider’s View of Innovation

When you run an Innovation Centre, people often turn to you for clarity on what innovation means—or should mean—to their business. Problem is, innovation can be a vague term.  Worse, innovation is often an overused, overstated, and an under-delivered concept. Do you need to create massive business t…

April 12, 2017


Why Do Factories Need a Digital-Ready Infrastructure?

Digital transformation, digital business, digitization, digital disruption. There are countless ways to phrase it, but it boils down to this. When digital technologies enable new business models, that’s digital transformation. Digital factory initiatives are generating incredible business outcomes,…

Simplicity Powers Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is creating new business models, new customer experiences and improving workforce experience. It is changing the way we work, live and play. It involves connecting millions of endpoints and disparate types of data sources.  In the digital era, businesses are becoming more dyna…