
August 29, 2017


Proactive and Preemptive Infrastructure Management Helps Navigate Digital Disruption

The onslaught of digitization is sparing no industry. Digital competitors continue to disrupt traditional markets. I have the privilege of closely watching this nonstop transformation unfold at my clients in industries across the value chain from retail to high tech. Let us take an example from one…

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 2 Recap

Day 2 of Cisco Live is all about energy.  Everybody has arrived, so the conference halls are packed and the level of intensity is up a few notches.  Attendees have already done a pass or two through the exhibition halls, getting the high-level information they need (and maybe a bit of swag along the…

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 1 Recap

You didn’t have to take too many steps through the conference halls at Mandalay Bay to understand what the hot topics of discussion are at Cisco Live 2017:  DNA and software-defined architectures, intuitive networks, meaningful and actionable analytics, and transformational technologies and services…

June 21, 2017


Expert Tips on How to Speed Your Journey to a Future Network

By now, you’ve heard about the new network capabilities we launched yesterday. With the reinvention of the network – from the ground up – we’re empowering companies to securely and confidently move at digital speed to create real competitive advantage. The impact of IoT, cloud and mobility on…

Analytics and the Universal Pursuit of Insight

What makes space so amazing? Every time human kind takes a deeper look, we find something that we didn’t know was there before. The same concept applies to analytics. Gathering deeper insight into any data set through automation allows you to make better and quicker decisions, expose gaps, and ident…