
April 18, 2014


Bring Out Yer Dead: 5 Steps to Eliminate 802.11b From Your Networks

Now that US tax day is over, we in the wireless field can get back to focusing on P1: optimizing and maintaining network performance. Keeping your network in good shape is like gardening: if you don’t pull out the weeds, it’ll never look as good as it could. My friend Jim Florwick detailed the gory…

April 16, 2014


Connected Healthcare: How Mobility Drives Better Care and a Healthier Society

As advancements in mobility continue to accelerate across all industries, one area that appears poised for some of the deepest transformation is healthcare. Already, we are seeing how mobility adoption in hospitals — along with new personal health-monitoring devices — is enabling better patient care…

Boingo Takes Next Generation Hotspot from Roadmap to Real Life

This is a customer perspective guest blog contributed by Zack Sterngold, Boingo Wireless Vice President, Americas. The vision for a simple, seamless and secure Wi-Fi connectivity experience became a reality timed to this year’s Mobile World Congress. And by design, this major milestone was simple,…

April 15, 2014


Non-Stop Wireless Network at John Muir Health

Previously I have blogged about No SSID Outage and No Client Reauthentication whereby even if your Cisco Wireless Controllers were to fail due to any reason, the clients will NOT experience any downtime due to Stateful Failover functionality to a Standby Controller. What could be better than that? C…

April 14, 2014


How A School District Prepares for PARCC and More

Indian Prairie School district, the third largest school district in Illinois, conducted an in-depth investigation to develop an execution plan to adopt Partnership for Assessment and Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) consortium guidelines and meet the Common Core State Standards head-on. Th…

April 11, 2014


Wi-Fi & Taxes: Digging into the 802.11b Penalty

It’s that time of year again in the US – Tax Time!  That time of year where we review the previous year’s bounty, calculate what’s due, and re-evaluate our strategies to see if we can keep more of what we worked for.  Things change; rules, the economy, time to retirement, and before you know i…

April 7, 2014


Mobile Marketing & Location Context @ ClickZ New York 2014

Digital Marketing Executives, trade press and specialist companies gathered in New York this week for the latest ClickZ Live NYCevent. Location, location, location…!!! A very clear trend visible here is how location had become a key part of the digital marketing language. It was part of the Ke…

Small Cells Are Big For Business

Closing the big deal.  Calming an irate customer.  Clarifying instructions given in an email.  Voice has long been the killer app for business.  As the world goes mobile, smartphones are becoming a key way for business people to stay connected, not just when they are out of the office, but an import…

April 1, 2014


RetailMeNot Leverages Cisco and Plixer for WLAN Optimization

Founded in 2007, RetailMeNot.com is the largest digital coupon site in the US.  They help hundreds of thousands of customers save money when shopping online. They are headquartered in Austin Texas, in the hip “Live Music Capital of the World”.  Since the company went public in 2013, the company has…