Fosdem 2016, part 3: enter the netflow
In the last part we used NBAR2 to classify traffic. To do this the router need to investigate every traffic flow which it sees. Of course, it would be interesting to get this information out of the router and into some logs. This is the ‘how we did this’ post and it is a bit technical. I…
Application Visibility Makes Parenting Easier!
Parenting in a hyper-connected world is increasingly challenged by lack of visibility into children’s internet usage, and by limited controls to customize internet usage policies per child. About a year ago, I installed a home router with parental-controls. My kids (teenage girls!) quickly complaine…
Like Chalk and Cheese: Cisco ASA 5506-X with Release 9.4.1 – Policy Based Routing
Earlier this Year, Cisco introduced the Cisco ASA 5506-X with FirePOWER Services. This Model should replace the successful and smallest Security Solution, the ASA 5505. Designed for the Small Business and a new era of threat and advanced malware protection Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services delivers…
Bringing Up a New Branch Site the Easy Way with Prime Infrastructure – Part 3
Last week, I discussed with you how to set up and managed converged wired and wireless access with Cisco Prime Infrastructure. Here, as the 3rd post of our 5-part blog series, I’ll focus on how to ensure application performance for your branch site users with Prime. Again, here’s my blog series plan…
Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services – How to get infected
On October 7, 2013 Cisco completed the acquisition of Sourcefire. At that time, I recognized this via Twitter and checked out the products on their website. I was excited to see the FirePOWER in action together with a Cisco ASA. I had a good possibility to join the “ASA with FirePower Services” Work…
Hybrid WAN Requires Advanced Network Services
A few weeks back, Gartner analyst Bjarne Munch stated, “Internet and MPLS play an equally important role for enterprise connectivity. Network planners must establish a unified WAN with strong integration between these two networks to avoid performance problems.”[i] So, why should IT move to a hybrid…
3 Steps for Best-in-Class Wi-Fi
If you are a professional photographer or even an amateur like me, you want to have ready access to various control dials on your camera to capture the moment perfectly. Professional cameras provide high level of control to get the best outcome. But there are times when you want to put the camera an…
The Summer Blockbuster You’ve Been Waiting For: Cisco Wireless Release 8.0
Cisco Wireless Release 8.0 is now available: Product Bulletin The Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast, 2013 – 2018 revealed some stunning trends with growth projections that are sure to have a dramatic impact on wireless networks worldwide. In 2013, globally, there were nearly 22 million…
IWAN Wed: What’s the use for IWAN?
Cisco Intelligent WAN or IWAN is a solution from Cisco to optimize and better utilize your branch WAN connectivity. It addresses several aspects of WAN concerns like cost, security and application experience. There are many challenges that IT is facing today in the enterprise world and I would like…