Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 2 Recap
Day 2 of Cisco Live is all about energy. Everybody has arrived, so the conference halls are packed and the level of intensity is up a few notches. Attendees have already done a pass or two through the exhibition halls, getting the high-level information they need (and maybe a bit of swag along the…
Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 1 Recap
You didn’t have to take too many steps through the conference halls at Mandalay Bay to understand what the hot topics of discussion are at Cisco Live 2017: DNA and software-defined architectures, intuitive networks, meaningful and actionable analytics, and transformational technologies and services…
Financial Services at CiscoLive! 2017
Disruption. Transformation. Digitization. Change…. The speed at which new developments are occurring in technology is incessant, and it is not a stretch to say; no industry is experiencing a more significant reinvention than financial services. Every aspect of this expansive industry is undergoi…
Accelerating Digitization with Cisco Enterprise Agreement
Transforming the way we do business The Cisco Enterprise Agreement transforms the way Cisco sells software and the value we offer to the relationships we have with our customers and partners. The Cisco EA is a cross-architecture, multiyear agreement that provides organizations enterprise-wide entitl…
Right now, wherever you are: Empowering the next generation of dynamic teamwork
The defining principle of working in technology is its relentless pace of change and innovation, even in places where you may not expect it. Today, technologies are improving so quickly, in so many ways, that companies have an unprecedented opportunity to build more efficient processes, foster deepe…
Leadership and Diversity: Catalysts for Change
There’s never been a better time to do something amazing. Within Cisco’s Digitization office (CDO) we are living this every moment and embracing this mantra as part of everything we do. Cisco is in the midst of a significant transformation, from a traditional hardware business to selling our innovat…
Digital Impact to Public Works & Utilities
As new discoveries emerge and simplify our lives, human beings stop pushing the boundaries once their needs have been fulfilled. Take the light bulb for instance. Whether in the home or on the street, there is no denying the impact this device has had on life as we know it. But we have only recently…
A Powerful Platform to Drive Smart Outcomes in Cities
Cisco is not only one of the first organizations to have discerned the trends leading to the need for “smart city” strategies, it is also uniquely prepared to provide the smart solutions to city challenges. Cisco comes at smart cities, infrastructure up, building on its three decades of rock-solid n…
How to Digitize: Create a Culture of Agility
In my previous blog, I discussed the most common question I receive, “How do I begin the digitization journey for my company?” The next question is often, “How do we change our corporate culture?” Corporate culture is key to the success or failure of digital business transformation. From my conversa…