What is Your Credibility Factor? Earn the Right to Say “No” and Win the Business
If you’ve had sustained success as a sales person, you can probably look back at your career and pinpoint one or two defining moments that moved you to the next level of credibility with your customers. These moments are different for everyone. Maybe it was winning a huge deal against stiff competi…
Growing Sales and Increasing Marketing Response with the “Right Stuff”
In this new era of big data, every savvy Partner wonders how can we use more customer intelligence to fuel our business. How do we use it to gauge when to approach customers? How do we use it to identify new opportunities, migrate customers, customize solutions, and get to real business outcomes fas…
Grow Your Leads and Increase Deal Size with Personalization
Starting customer meetings with business outcome discussions sounds great in theory. But how much difference does it really make? A huge difference. Here’s how it works. For the past year, a small, innovative team has been engaging customers in new ways at several large Cisco events. Essentially, we…
Data Man: The power to turn piles of data in competitive insight
In my continuing series on marketing superpowers, we’re now ready to tackle Data Man! Of course you’ll continue to see updates from each of the superheroes below, and I’ll make sure you have links to each blog post for your convenience. Here is what we’ve covered so far, and what is yet to come: Wo…
Igniting Security with Cisco
In an announcement earlier today, we introduced Cisco ASA with FirePOWER Services, the industry’s first threat-focused next-generation firewall. We also are announcing the continued evolution of Cisco’s Security Channel Partner Program to substantially increase a Cisco partner’s Security business. S…
Partner Voices: Solution Partner StorMagic Helps Risk Management Service Provider Gain High Database Availability and Re …
By now it’s no secret that Cisco was recently recognized by IDC as number one in several Unified Computing System (UCS) categories. This immense achievement could never have been realized without help from the many dedicated Cisco partners who are using the UCS technology to solve real-world busines…
Changing IT Consumption Economics: Ignore at Your Own Peril
As tech buying power shifts away from IT departments to line of business decision makers, five key trends are reshaping how customers want to consume technology. Customers increasingly want to consume technology, but not build it They want solutions that address their business problems They have no…
Focus on Business Priorities to Unlock New Sales Opportunities
Many Cisco Partners are well aware that Line of Business and Operations technology budgets are growing much faster than IT budgets. Many have expressed a strong interest in selling solutions to these new buying centers. So how can Partners capitalize on this trend, grow revenues faster, and become m…
Cisco and Red Hat to Build On-Ramps to the Intercloud
CIOs are embracing cloud to deliver I.T. applications and services to employees, partners and customers more flexibly and at lower cost. As cloud moves from experimentation into the mainstream, OpenStack and other open source technologies have emerged as a catalyst for cloud innovation. That’s why…