
July 8, 2014


Score for IT this World Cup

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last two weeks, you know that the FIFA World Cup is in full swing. Stakes are higher than ever as we move into the semi-finals with more and more people tuning in to cheer on their favorite futbol teams. In fact, FIFA just released a media release…

July 4, 2014


You Can Observe A Lot By Watching.

Recently at CiscoLive!, we spent a full week with customers and partners doing in-detail usability tests of and some of our mobile sites and apps. This is one of the main methods we use to make our web and mobile easier. What’s a usability test? Something different than you might think. Wh…

July 3, 2014


Staying Connected at Northern Kentucky University

Northern Kentucky University is among the fastest growing universities in Kentucky. It hosts over 15,000 students with about 13,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students. The goal of the wireless program at NKU is to provide secure, robust and ubiquitous wireless access throughout the campus, bo…

June 24, 2014


Are you up for the CMX topcoder Challenge?

Cisco CMX Mobility Developer Challenge is under way at topcoder. CMX Mobile Application SDK can be leveraged in a mobile application to provide indoor location and navigation for users. The SDK will connect with the CMX Mobile App Server to determine a user’s location, downloading maps, venues, poin…

June 17, 2014


The Pace of Change Demands Mobile Cloud

With organizations all over the world striving to make lasting connections with both their workforce and customers, mobile communications have fundamentally changed the way business works. And when you factor in the added influence of cloud computing, an exciting collision of technology – know…

Next Generation Mobile Monetization

As I described in my previous blog How the Mobile Industry Will Make Money in the Future, the history of the mobile industry has involved huge and successful waves of revenue growth.  Lucrative revenues from the first wave of voice and the second messaging wave have crested and are now in decline. …

June 14, 2014


CMX Analytics at Cisco Live! San Francisco 2014

Cisco Live! San Francisco was the biggest Cisco Live! yet—25,000 attendees. Read Chris’s blog for more on the network at Cisco Live! You also heard about the Mobility Services APIs enabling location-based services and location-enabled application development in Neha’s blog yesterday. The…

June 13, 2014


Mobile Cloud Accelerates the Pace of Change

As organizations seek ways to maintain real-time connections with their workforce and customers in an increasingly digital and mobile-centered world, the growth of mobile cloud will be a major force in shaping the business landscape and future tech decisions. This blog series will explore how the co…

June 12, 2014


CMX Takes the Stage at DevNet Hackathon at #CLUS 2014

Earlier this week you learned about the network at Cisco Live! If you attended the event this year, you’ll also have noticed that there was a brand new extension of the event in Moscone West. This was DevNet, the first developer-facing zone Cisco has ever brought to life, just in time for the…