heat map

June 25, 2014


#HITEC Higlight: How Cisco’s CMX is Delivering Profitable Outcomes to the Hotel Industry

HITEC 2014 takes place this week in Los Angeles, where the brightest minds and hottest technology in the Hospitality industry congregate in one place, with over 300 companies displaying the latest technology solutions to the industry. CMX is featured at the HITEC Convention in both the Cisco booth a…

June 14, 2014


CMX Analytics at Cisco Live! San Francisco 2014

Cisco Live! San Francisco was the biggest Cisco Live! yet—25,000 attendees. Read Chris’s blog for more on the network at Cisco Live! You also heard about the Mobility Services APIs enabling location-based services and location-enabled application development in Neha’s blog yesterday. The…

January 30, 2014


CMX Analytics: An Inside Scoop on CiscoLive! Milan #CLEUR

Today is the final day of a very busy and successful Cisco Live Milan 2014. Read my initial observations from the event earlier this week. As the event draws to a close, lets look at some of the location analytics available via Cisco’s Connected Mobile Experiences solution (CMX) and perhaps tr…

January 28, 2014


Cisco Live Milan 2014 & CMX

Cisco Live Milan 2014 kicked off this morning with an opening keynote by Rob Lloyd. During the session Rob shared Cisco’s  vision of the Internet of Everything, and explored the industry trends and technologies that are making that vision a reality. One of these areas is enabled by Cisco’…