
September 12, 2018


Cisco SPVSS IBC Panel: The Next Billion Viewers, the Next Billion Dollars

JAMES FIELD is speaking on this amazing IBC 2018 panel! (So are BBC, Google, & SSVC.) To attend, login to your IBC registration, click on Upgrade, and use code CSS18 to get free ‘add-on’ access to the session. NEW TV GROWTH MODELS is the topic of the panel. The set-up question: How w…

The Threat of Streaming Piracy? Pernicious.

Attending IBC? Make Stand 1.A71 your first stop. Amongst our bevy of cool demos is one showcasing VideoGuard® Anti-Piracy Services. We’ll show how streaming piracy happens and how we fight it.  This POV post answers the question,“What’s the threat of Streaming Piracy?” Here&#…

Vertical Consolidation: Several New Distribution ‘Tails’

#IBC2018 The Cisco SP Video Software & Solution team is prepping eighteen demos across five domains. These demo slots will fill-up fast! Ask your Cisco rep or any listed author to book your meeting.  This post shares a perspective on Next-gen Distribution and Control. Check out the Cisco D9800 N…

“We Love our Pirates” – Crowdfunding Piracy

In the past few years there have been all kinds of interesting crowdfunding projects – namely enlisting the masses to raise funds for new innovative ideas. In fact, this has been recognized as a powerful mechanism for launching new products. One particularly unusual (not to say galling) crowdfunding…

Illegal Streaming of Pay TV – Is It a Pirate Treasure Island?

In our previous blog post—on the scope of illegal streaming—we analyzed one of the forums that hosts illegal streaming server offers and concluded that it reaches at least 285,000 viewers. That’s an impressive figure. But what does it mean in financial terms? Or to be more specific, how much are pir…

Illegal Streaming of Pay TV – Is it Now a Flood?

There’s an undeniable rise in the number of people illegally streaming pay TV. In recent years, there have been many reports of police actions and criminal prosecutions of pirates and the many businesses that support them. The challenge when reading and compiling such reports is quantifying the over…

February 24, 2017


5G Mobile Video with Hybrid ICN – Fast, Secure, Simplified

By Giovanna Carofiglio, Cisco Distinguished Engineer 3 By 2020, 82% of all IP traffic will be video and two-thirds of all Internet traffic will be generated from wireless and mobile devices, according to Cisco VNI forecast. Video services are evolving (UHD 4K-8K video, Virtual/Augmented Reality) and…

September 12, 2016


A Few Words on Streaming Piracy Operations… and the Limitations of Current Anti-Piracy Measures

By Ted Rose, Operational Security, Service Provider Video Software and Solutions, Cisco Many (if not most!) service providers identify illegal streaming as the next big threat to their business. The problem is that in the multi-faceted, continuously expanding landscape of illegal streaming, it’s har…

July 8, 2014


Score for IT this World Cup

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last two weeks, you know that the FIFA World Cup is in full swing. Stakes are higher than ever as we move into the semi-finals with more and more people tuning in to cheer on their favorite futbol teams. In fact, FIFA just released a media release…