machine learning
Performance, Scale, and Flexibility for Accelerating AI / ML
In the movie Top Gun, Tom Cruise had a famous line: “I feel the need–the need for speed!” When I talk to data scientists, they often express the same sentiment. Charged with the responsibility of mining value out of numerous data sources, they often feel that they need ever more…
AI Ops Provides New Career Opportunities
AI-driven Operations (AI Ops) will drive significant changes as IT organizations leverage AI, machine learning, and automation. This transition will provide opportunities for individuals to develop new skills that can enhance their careers. AI Ops and Self-Optimization Experts expect the use of AI,…
Future-Proofing your IoT infrastructure
IoT infrastructure plans may seem intimidating, but they don’t have to be, says Cisco’s Maciej Kranz. The internet of things (IoT) is digitally transforming businesses before our eyes. Throughout the past few years, companies across industries embarked on their IoT journeys with high hopes, focusing…
Is this legal? For AI and IoT, W&M Law School aims to find out
Innovators have been developing artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, cybersecurity, and related technologies for some time, yet the legal world has had limited engagement with the issues likely to arise from these technologies—except for those in the area of privacy. And this poses real challenges. Fo…
AI/ML: Shiny Object or Panacea?
Guest Blogger This week we welcome guest author Anthony McKinney, Data Center Specialist Army Tactical/SOF at Cisco, as he discusses artificial intelligence and machine learning. Collaborator: Michelle Tschudy, US Public Sector/DoD You can’t swing a CAT 6 cable lately without hitting…
Machine Learning is NOT Rocket Science (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this blog, I point out that using machine learning algorithms is much easier today with packages such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and others. In fact, using machine learning has been relegated down to largely a data management problem and software development issue rather than…
Cisco Intersight: AI-Driven Proactive Support
The Cisco Customer Experience organization works closely with the Intersight engineering team to ensure customers have seamless access to Cisco’s unparalleled device knowledge. This allows Cisco Intersight to deliver a wide range of enhanced customer support benefits, especially around systems main…
Machine learning’s importance to services
Machine learning (ML) has been one of the hottest buzzwords in technology over the past few years. It seems every segment of the high-tech industry has been impacted by ML. This technology has changed the way we service customers, allowed us to interact with in-room meeting devices, made our busines…
Machine Learning is NOT Rocket Science: Part 1
Movies have always created powerful mystique about artificial intelligence. For example, 2001: A Space Odyssey had the computer, Hal 9000, that recognized astronauts, spoke to them, and even locked the door to prevent an astronaut from entering the spacecraft. In the Terminator movies, Skynet was a…