October 16, 2018


Machine Learning is NOT Rocket Science (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog, I point out that using machine learning algorithms is much easier today with packages such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and others. In fact, using machine learning has been relegated down to largely a data management problem and software development issue rather than…

October 8, 2018


The GPU Accelerated Data Center takes Flight: Cisco Heads to NVIDIA GTC Europe

Welcome back! There wasn’t much lead time between my last blog and this one, but the Cisco “travel bug” has taken hold and it stops for no one. This time our Cisco global world tour takes us to Munich, Germany. Cisco is excited to be joining NVIDIA at their yearly GPU Technology Conference (GTC)  in…

March 20, 2018


Refining Big Data with Deep Learning

If data is the new oil, there is one major difference.  Unlike oil, which over the years have suffered from unpredictable supply, for much of the customers, there is only abundance of data.  Despite the glut of data, the same customers profess there is often a shortage of actionable information.  In…