September 29, 2014


Cisco Wins Best of Show IPv6 Product!

The North American IPv6 Summit is the largest annual IPv6 event in North America, designed to educate about IPv6 and the current state of IPv6 adoption. We were honored to receive industry recognition of the Cisco’s IPv6 leadership and continued innovation with the Best of Show Award of Product and…

September 17, 2014


How Cisco IT Plans Capacity for Wireless LAN Access

  Brett Belding The capacity requirements for Cisco WLANs have held steady over the last decade—until now. The big change is more devices and more video use: //…

September 10, 2014


Revamping the MSE User Interface

As part of the WLC 8.0 release, we addressed customer comments and revamped the user interface (UI) for the MSE. We wanted to make it easier for customers using both MSE and PI to adjust to larger deployments. We also wanted to quicken the pace at which we could deliver features to the customers. To…

September 4, 2014


Show Me the Retail Data

Success in retail often comes down to a counting game.  How many people pass by your store?  How many come inside?   How long do they stay?  And most importantly how many ultimately buy? Today, the retail counting game has gotten a lot easier because we can now count devices as proxies for people, s…

August 20, 2014


White Paper: RX-SOP 101

Just released yesterday: Cisco Wireless Release 8.0 includes a feature called Receiver Start of Packet (RX-SOP), which you can think of as putting earmuffs on the access point.  It’s not a new feature, as it has been used in stadiums and other high density deployments to great success for several ye…

August 19, 2014


3 Steps for Best-in-Class Wi-Fi

If you are a professional photographer or even an amateur like me, you want to have ready access to various control dials on your camera to capture the moment perfectly. Professional cameras provide high level of control to get the best outcome. But there are times when you want to put the camera an…

July 25, 2014


Not All 802.11ac AP’s are Created Equal: Demand the Full Story

It’s always interesting and often entertaining to observe how competitors promote their products and what they choose to focus on—and more importantly, what they choose not to focus on and what they hope people won’t ask questions about. Consider yet again how a competitor chooses to position their…