digital disruption

November 19, 2015


#CiscoChat Recap: No More Bankers’ Hours

How often do you bank? ? For me, it’s a few times a week, but more frequently when I have a few bills to pay. Today, digital technologies makes checking balances, transferring money and even depositing checks an “anytime, anywhere” process using apps and mobile devices. Banks and other financial ins…

November 11, 2015


Digital Agility Can Save Your Organization From Disruption

Today, industries are colliding and recombining in new ways. These collisions are yielding new competitive forms. A new paper from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation (DBT Center), a joint initiative between IMD and Cisco, calls this ‘Value Vampires’ and ‘Value Vacancies.’ Value va…

November 9, 2015


How Incumbents Can Thrive in a Digital World

Traditionally, incumbent companies have relied on three main competitive advantages to maintain their leadership positions over newcomers: 1) large customer bases, 2) strong brand equity, and 3) access to large amounts of inexpensive capital. Today, however, these attributes no longer provide the pr…

November 9, 2015


#CiscoChat: The Power of Connected Machines

It is no secret that Manufacturing and related industrial verticals will be significantly impacted by the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new business models evolving from digital disruption. Many industry luminaries and market-leading companies agree that one of the most exciting aspects of digit…

October 30, 2015


No More Bankers’ Hours: Join the Live Chat

“Bankers’ hours” started disappearing with the advent of ATMs in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, online and mobile access has made the transactional side of banking a 24/7, anytime, any place proposition. And that’s just the beginning. Innovative financial institutions and startups are also bringing dis…

October 21, 2015


Agility is the New Smart

As businesses strive to become digital, they need to be more flexible, innovative, and agile than ever. Customers are engaging with businesses differently from how they were just five years ago, and the bulk of their interactions are not with people but with systems (think airport and hotel check-in…

October 13, 2015


In the Digital Vortex, It’s All About the Value, Not the Value Chain

Five years ago, the taxi industry seemed about as immune to digital disruption as any industry could be. Taxis, after all, were purely analog contraptions, far removed from digital innovation, software, apps, and the like. What’s more, their business model seemed as foolproof as the day it was creat…

October 6, 2015


In the Digital Age, Fortune Favors the Bold

The ancient Roman poet Virgil might feel at home in the Digital Age (once the initial future shock wears off!). He famously said, “Fortune favors the bold.” These words have never been more prescient. In a recent article, we likened the current climate of ever-present disruption, innovation, and cha…

September 21, 2015


Five Keys to Success Leading Digital Business Transformation

As we explored in my previous blog, today’s rampant pace of innovation can be likened to a Digital Vortex, where ideas, technologies, and even entire industries are swept to the center of the Vortex — recombining and merging into disruptive new business models. In such an environment, digital busine…