Social Chat
#CiscoChat Recap: Cyber Attacks ahead. Are you ready?
Are there so many security tools that can’t talk to each other making financial institutions more vulnerable to cyber attacks? I hosted my first #CiscoChat last week together with my @CiscoSecurity colleagues, Stephen Marchewitz and Dmitry Kuchynski. I was thrilled to be joined by two IDC experts, C…
Jump Start Your Connected Factory: Recap of the Recent #CiscoChat
Manufacturers are challenged with how to start digitizing their factories. Many have told me it is not inertia or budget holding them back, but being overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. Yet the value that awaits them is great – connected factories can boost profits by up to 19 percent (accordin…
#CiscoChat: Jump Start Your Connected Factory
A new year- and time for new initiatives and a chance to fast start your competitiveness as a manufacturer. According to our recent Manufacturing Thought Leadership Study, digital manufacturers who have connected their factories and production facilities are driving up to 19% more profits (over 10 y…
#CiscoChat Recap: The Power of Connected Machines
Through a myriad of connections, the Internet of Everything has caused a digital disruption, forcing entire industries to evolve their business models in order to remain competitive and deliver optimized services. Both retail and higher education are prime examples. But, it’s the Internet of Things,…
#CiscoChat Recap: No More Bankers’ Hours
How often do you bank? ? For me, it’s a few times a week, but more frequently when I have a few bills to pay. Today, digital technologies makes checking balances, transferring money and even depositing checks an “anytime, anywhere” process using apps and mobile devices. Banks and other financial ins…
Digital Manufacturing: Transforming Your Business Model
Today’s announcement of Cisco’s Digital Solutions for Industries at the Global Editor’s Conference highlights our unique approach to help customers capture the promise of digitization. As Tony Shakib’s blog notes, “Digital transformation necessitates a combining of business and IT strategy tha…
Security for the Digital Manufacturer: Recap of recent #CiscoChat
Earlier this week, I hosted a #CiscoChat along with other team members of the @CiscoMFG team including Nancy Cam-Winget (@ncamwingw), an industrial security expert and Distinguished Engineer at Cisco, along with cohost Gregory Wilcox (@gswilcox_ohio) of our strategic alliance partner Rockwell Automa…
#CiscoChat: Managing Shadow IT
Shadow IT is far from a new phenomenon; but the truth is that most IT leaders have little visibility in to the full costs of these services and the risk they represent. And with this gap comes the absence of a proactive strategy for addressing the issue. Companies are using up to 15 to 22 times more…
#CiscoChat: Discover Intercloud with Peak 10 and Cisco
There are numerous reasons organizations look to extend their data centers. More dynamic and flexible computing needs and increasing storage capabilities are just a couple. And while this can sometimes prove a challenge for organizations, our Intercloud solution has given customers the freedom to ex…