Industrial Internet of Things

June 13, 2017


IoT Brings New Value, New Risks

My first blog post! Let me take a minute to introduce myself, I’m an engineer inside our Federal Group, and mostly help our customers with networking design and deployment, with a huge focus on security. I live in the Washington, DC area, with my wife, kid, and dog. More about the dog in a moment. T…

November 23, 2016


Driving Convergence and Interoperability for Industrial IoT & Industrie 4.0

The excitement surrounding the fourth industrial revolution or Industrie 4.0  is largely due to the limitless possibilities that come with connecting everything, everywhere, with everyone. The opportunities to improve processes, reduce downtime and increase efficiency through the Industrial Internet…

November 3, 2016


Securing the Internet of Things Is Everybody’s Responsibility

For the past couple of weeks, security and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in the news like never before. During the first few days after the massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on domain name service Dyn, I almost couldn’t look at a news outlet without seeing or hearing a dis…

Experience Robots, Flying Objects, and Shooting Stars in Virtual Reality 

Did you know that about 60 years ago, “Sensorama” the first virtual reality (VR) machine was invented by Morton Heilig?  And 50 years ago, the first VR and augmented reality HMD (head-mounted display) was created by Ivan Sutherland. [Source: Timeline of Virtual Reality]. Today, virtual reality techn…

3 Ways Cisco is Enhancing the Industrial IoT

As the Internet of Things (IoT) gains widespread adoption, we now have the opportunity to accelerate business outcomes. Whether a business needs to create agile supply chains, automate manufacturing processes, or reduced operating costs, Cisco Industrial IoT solutions and products make it easier to…

Denver In Running For $50 Million To Innovate City’s Transportation

Greetings from the Mile High City! When the Bronco’s won Super Bowl 50 last month, a million happy fans gathered downtown for a victory parade and rally in Civic Center Park. Transporting a million people around a city the size of Denver, in a matter of hours, is no easy task. That day saw the large…

January 12, 2016


#CiscoChat: Jump Start Your Connected Factory

A new year- and time for new initiatives and a chance to fast start your competitiveness as a manufacturer. According to our recent Manufacturing Thought Leadership Study, digital manufacturers who have connected their factories and production facilities are driving up to 19% more profits (over 10 y…