
May 23, 2017


Customer Experience and Cloud. Why Cisco?

I recently wrote a previous blog about Starbucks Digital Transformation to highlight that, it is really happening and that there are actual business results out of their strategy. It is not only a marketing campaign nor a crazy idea but a vision and a strategy to drive business outcomes. As part of…

Pay TV in Asia – Where is the puck going?

By Aunindo Ghosh Fifty countries, 4.5 billion people, and a multitude of cultures and economies. Asia Pacific is indeed as varied as it is vast. And that variation includes the way people watch TV. But if there is one thread that binds everyone in this region, it has to be the explosive growth of Mo…

May 19, 2017


Securing OpenStack Networking

Cloud Security is currently top of mind for IT. In this blog post, I will provide a 10 point checklist to help you secure your OpenStack Neutron networking service. Ensure that you use “Defense in depth” as the primary security strategy and deploy a series of defensive mechanisms, as no single metho…

May 18, 2017


The Force is Strong With the Bold New Tech Buyer

The recent CNCF CloudNative 2017 conference in Berlin played host to the crème de la crème of IT, niche container-focused software vendors, and integrators. All of them came equipped with their most switched-on engineers and marketers (intentionally leaving the usual marketing glaze behind). I was t…

May 17, 2017


Beyond Workloads: The Changing Shape of Cloud Strategies

Over the last year, we’ve seen a significant shift in enterprise cloud strategies. What used to be about cost cutting, has become more about how to transform and digitize business. It’s all about innovation. CIOs we talk to are ready to make cloud investments to help solve business problems and brin…

May 16, 2017


WannaCry Type Ransomware a Growing Threat: 5 Easy Steps to Protect Your Agency

It all started harmlessly enough. A pleasant sounding ping on her phone and a quick check of her email. But it then quickly descended into a weekend of worry. For people in both the public and private sector, cyber attack has become a potentially life-altering and seemingly unstoppable threat that i…

Orchestrated Assurance: What is it and why do I need it?

Service Providers aim to deliver network services faster with assured customer quality.  But, as networks are becoming increasingly software-defined and programmable, the rate at which they change is also rising, driven by network-on-demand offerings and self-service portals. In this dynamic environ…

May 10, 2017


Can Cloud Customers Have It All?

A loaded question? Perhaps. But in today’s digital landscape it is one that many companies are trying to answer. Regardless of industry, brands that wish to remain competitive and offer optimized services and more engaging customer experiences are seeking digital flexibility. Many have turned to clo…

Developers, Meet DevNet Create

You’ve heard us talk about it for months! #DevNetCreate: Cisco’s first developer conference, where applications meet… Applications have met a variety of challenges and ideas. We’ve collected our favorites here:   Now, we invite YOU to join the conve…