cyber attack

January 24, 2018


Make a Security Resolution with a Trustworthy Network Infrastructure

In 2017, businesses lost hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue as a result of cyber attacks. You saw cyber threats all over the news with data breaches permeating the economy. The WannaCry ransomware attack affected hundreds of thousands of computers globally. The Equifax breach, considered one…

October 12, 2017


Why cybersecurity in the workplace is everyone’s business

“If Microsoft calls and asks you for your password…it’s not real, ” said Steve LeBlond, VP of Technology and CTO of Ochsner Health System, while speaking at our Digital Health Summit on October 3. “We [Information Technology] will never ask you to log us in.” Stev…

May 16, 2017


WannaCry Type Ransomware a Growing Threat: 5 Easy Steps to Protect Your Agency

It all started harmlessly enough. A pleasant sounding ping on her phone and a quick check of her email. But it then quickly descended into a weekend of worry. For people in both the public and private sector, cyber attack has become a potentially life-altering and seemingly unstoppable threat that i…

April 28, 2015


The Rise in Healthcare Cybercrime

January this year witnessed the largest healthcare breach to date in which the personal records of 80 million individuals were compromised. It also marked an apparent change in focus from attacks on delivery organizations to healthcare payers. Last week two additional health insurers reported that t…

Cisco Sizzle – Summary of May’s Hottest Stories

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just wa…