Cloud native computing foundation

April 26, 2018


Cisco Open Source Update

This year’s Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe conference is just around the corner and Cisco will be there. Many may know Cisco as a networking company. And, more recently as provider of the popular UCS and HyperFlex compute platforms. But over the past several years software, services, and security h…

April 6, 2018


Live #CiscoChat April 25th — Kubernetes & Containers: Get on Board

Questions about containers? Curious about Kubernetes? We’re not surprised. Though you’ve no doubt heard of them both, you’re probably wondering if they’re actually worth exploring or if they’re hiding behind the hype. Sure, the simplicity and speed offered by containers may have caught the eye of le…

May 18, 2017


The Force is Strong With the Bold New Tech Buyer

The recent CNCF CloudNative 2017 conference in Berlin played host to the crème de la crème of IT, niche container-focused software vendors, and integrators. All of them came equipped with their most switched-on engineers and marketers (intentionally leaving the usual marketing glaze behind). I was t…