Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 14: OpenDaylight, Kolla, and Containers with Vikram Hosakote
Like many of you out there, Vikram Hosakote was one of those kids who was always taking apart the remote controls and other electronic gadgets in his home to see how they worked. By the time he was 11 he had gotten his hands on an x86 box, and soon he was learning COBOL and Fortran in support of the…
Simple Lifehacks That Can Cut Your Cloud Bill 20 Percent
What can you do when a growing cloud bill is evidence of your success? Congratulations! You have pushed and pulled to get your IT department to embrace a more agile service delivery model. You have added public cloud as an addition to your on-premises IT service delivery portfolio. But as a result,…
Shifting Perceptions in Technology to Drive Change in Learning
Ymasumac Marañón Davis is an educational consultant, intuitive life coach and author. This blog is the first in a series around access. The cloud and mobility in our devices have caused industries the world over to rethink how they conduct business. Education is no exception to this shift in cultur…
Function-as-a-Service 101: What is it?
My favorite part about making a living in the tech industry is that there is always something new to learn. When Amazon Web Services launched in 2006 it slowly began to change they way that people thought about compute infrastructure and software architectures. But what is the next technology on t…
#CiscoChat August 8th — Impact of Containers on IT Subject Matter Experts
Improved productivity, enhanced operational efficiency, extra flexibility … how can you push your IT organization in the direction you want it to go? Start by thinking inside the box — with containers. You may already be familiar with some of the basics of containers, but as they continue to climb i…
Protecting Your Border or Offering a Service to Others? Part 1
In the previous posts (1 and 2) we talked about how technical innovation (in networking and containers) can address an operational challenge involving different stakeholders within an organisation. In the next two starting today, we zoom out to see another pattern of dynamics between business and IT…
Microsoft Azure Stack Cometh
Cisco Integrated Solution for Microsoft Azure Stack Microsoft Azure Stack represents the next generation hybrid cloud platform. If you do not have a cloud solution today, chances are it is not too far on your horizon. IDC predicts that 84% of business will have multiple cloud solutions within t…
The Best OpenSource Solution for Microservices Networking – Part 2
In my previous post, we talked about the complexity that Containers can bring to the network and what that means to different roles within an organisation. We also introduced Contiv in this context and touched on its high-level architecture. In this post, we aim to get a big more into detail……
Cisco leads the way to 5G networks – Microservices and Advanced Automation
The Communications Services Provider (CSP) industry is at a very exciting time as we transition towards a 5G world. 5G has the potential to be a greater step forward than any of the previous generations of mobile wireless generations. A major focus of 5G are use cases of business and IoT. Indeed, wh…