
March 20, 2019


A Solution Looking For A Problem?

Last year, on a date that he is uncertain of, Cisco’s own Pete Johnson saw a tweet that said: “Serverless is a solution looking for a problem.” The statement frustrated Pete because he believed it to be untrue. He was a major serverless fan at the time (still is today), and he reasoned that if peopl…

November 2, 2018


Examining the FaaS on K8S Market

Examining the FaaS on K8S Market When AWS introduced the first Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) runtime, Lambda, in 2014 and subsequently enabled developers to evolve beyond Microserrvices to create Serverless application architectures, it was inevitable that there would eventually be on premises varian…

October 9, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 57: Navigating the Waves of Innovation, with Lew Tucker

Do you know who Lew Tucker is? Of course you do. He’s the VP and CTO of Cloud Computing at Cisco, but that’s probably not why you know him. You know him because he’s on stage at a whole lot of open source conferences, explaining how technologies work, why they’re valuable, and where they’re most lik…

October 4, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 56: Trekking the Serverless Landscape with Krishnan Subramanian

If you tune in to Cloud Unfiltered on a regular basis, you know that we touch on the subject of serverless technologies fairly frequently. But the key word there is “touch.” We mention it, I reliably tease Pete about his enthusiasm for it, then we spend two or three minutes (max) discussing an eleme…

June 5, 2018


Cisco Live Preview: Serverless-on-the-Edge Driven Robot Arms

Cisco Live in Orlando next week will be an exciting time that will include new product announcements, but as a preview, I wanted to share a demo I’ve been working on with my friends in Enterprise Networking that involves the intersection of serverless and edge computing: We’re looking fo…

February 19, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 36: Pete Johnson Explains the Cisco/Google Cloud Partnership

Do you feel like you “get” the Cisco/Google hybrid cloud partnership? The announcement went out in late October, and it seemed to generate a lot of excitement on a very general level. Folks in the press said things along the lines of “This makes sense. Cisco has the hardware infrastructure and the e…

January 25, 2018


Serverless & Developing Applications Using Multiple Cloud Providers

I’ve been into serverless technologies for a few years now. The thought of not having to care about what platform my code is executing on, or having to manage and operate it, resonated with my developer side that just wants to code. I also saw it as a possible catalyst for change in how we are devel…

January 2, 2018


OpenFaaS At The Helm w/ Kubernetes in the DevNet Sandbox

One of the things that makes Cisco a great company to work with, is its commitment to innovation, developers, and open source projects.  Nowhere is this more evident than at Cisco DevNet.  DevNet is at the apex of that movement toward innovative and inspiring projects and wants to help developers bu…

October 18, 2017


API Scaling, Security, Serverless API-ing and GraphQL – Hot Topics at the NordicAPI Platform Summit

I was lucky enough to hit Stockholm for the NordicAPI Platform Summit at the beginning of last week. It’s one of only a few all-API focused events held internationally, so given a (probably unhealthy) chunk of my life has been about APIs and all that comes with them, I was geekily excited about it.…