
March 20, 2019


A Solution Looking For A Problem?

Last year, on a date that he is uncertain of, Cisco’s own Pete Johnson saw a tweet that said: “Serverless is a solution looking for a problem.” The statement frustrated Pete because he believed it to be untrue. He was a major serverless fan at the time (still is today), and he reasoned that if peopl…

November 2, 2018


Examining the FaaS on K8S Market

Examining the FaaS on K8S Market When AWS introduced the first Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) runtime, Lambda, in 2014 and subsequently enabled developers to evolve beyond Microserrvices to create Serverless application architectures, it was inevitable that there would eventually be on premises varian…

October 4, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered, Episode 56: Trekking the Serverless Landscape with Krishnan Subramanian

If you tune in to Cloud Unfiltered on a regular basis, you know that we touch on the subject of serverless technologies fairly frequently. But the key word there is “touch.” We mention it, I reliably tease Pete about his enthusiasm for it, then we spend two or three minutes (max) discussing an eleme…

September 22, 2017


Function-as-a-Service 301: New Frontiers

At some point in this series, either Function-as-a-Service 101: What is It? or Function-as-a-Services 201: Common Architectures, you might have said to yourself, “Wait a minute, Cisco sells servers so why are you talking about serverless technologies?”  Even keeping in mind the oxymoroni…

August 22, 2017


Function-as-a-Service 201: Common Architectures

In my last entry in this space, entitled Function-as-a-Service 101: What is it?, I introduced the concepts, players, and basic usage of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS).  But how are people actually using it?  Welcome to Function-as-a-Service 201: Common Architectures. Back in December at AWS re:Invent,…

February 23, 2016


Huge Opportunities for Service Providers at the Intersection of Fog and Mobility

I have the privilege of being in Barcelona this week for Mobile World Congress. With nearly 100,000 attendees and an impressive conference agenda, it’s a week packed with not only ideas and innovation, but with interactions with leaders, startups, disruptors, and other major players in mobile techno…