
March 26, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 39: OpenStack Update from VMware’s Mark Voelker

OK, I’ll cop to this right up front: I called my most recent guest “Vekler.” On tape. The problem with that is that his name is not Vekler. It’s Voelker. Sounds like “Velker.” With the L before the K. He patiently explained this to me prior to the recording, when I asked him how to pronounce his nam…

January 17, 2018


Cloud Unfiltered Episode 32: Steve Dake

If you’ve been involved with OpenStack for a while you probably know Steve Dake. He started early on, as the team lead of the Heat project. That’s right –Heat– the core orchestration project at the heart of OpenStack. Once Heat became mature, he moved on to work on Magnum, where he…

August 7, 2017


Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 14: OpenDaylight, Kolla, and Containers with Vikram Hosakote

Like many of you out there, Vikram Hosakote was one of those kids who was always taking apart the remote controls and other electronic gadgets in his home to see how they worked. By the time he was 11 he had gotten his hands on an x86 box, and soon he was learning COBOL and Fortran in support of the…