
If you’ve been involved with OpenStack for a while you probably know Steve Dake. He started early on, as the team lead of the Heat project. That’s right –Heat– the core orchestration project at the heart of OpenStack. Once Heat became mature, he moved on to work on Magnum, where he wrote the first 120 patches. Again leaving when the project matured, he moved on to the Kolla project, where he focused his efforts full-time for three years.

Today Steve is on the OpenStack Board of Directors and is deeply involved in the Istio community as well. So he’s got terrific insights into what is going on in both of these very important open source projects.

In this episode of Cloud Unfiltered, Steve explains:

  • What “adjacent community work” is and why the OpenStack Board is focused on it
  • Why he thinks Zuul should break off from OpenStack and become a separate project
  • Where Istio started, what it is, and who governs it
  • What’s coming up in the near future with Istio
  • Why he thinks Blockchain will change the world

See the video podcast on our YouTube page, or listen to the audio version on iTunes. And if you like what you hear, we invite you to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any of the other exciting podcasts we have scheduled over the next several months.