Cisco Spark

June 13, 2016


Seamless Enterprise Calling on iPhone and iPad

Our goal in working with Apple was to create a no-compromise business calling experience on iOS. And with today’s announcements at WWDC, we have taken a huge step forward in delivering that capability to end users and IT departments. So let’s get real, what did we announce? Well, we announced that C…

June 9, 2016


The Dirty Secret of Team Collaboration: Teams

Cisco Spark is one of a growing set of tools that embrace the idea of team collaboration. These are tools that provide persistent workspaces for teams to work together. They provide persistent chat and messaging, file and photo sharing, and sometimes – real-time tools, such as voice and video confer…

June 8, 2016


Cisco Spark Video Systems Are Ahead of Schedule

In order for you to adopt video conferencing pervasively, we know we have to make it as easy to deploy and support as it is to use. On the user-experience front, many of you have told us that we have the best in the industry. On the deployment front, we’ve significantly accelerated our pace. In Marc…

June 8, 2016


A Lesson from Goldilocks: Messaging Security that’s “Just Right”

We all know the story of Goldilocks and her ill-fated visit to the house of the three bears. What lesson, if any, one might take away from this story is that too much of a good thing doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing. Porridge is best hot, but too hot and that’s not good. Big chairs are bi…

June 2, 2016


Cisco at Code Conference, Day 2: From Meeker to Mars

Another day, another gathering focused on the evolution of technology at Code Conference. Big names, big ideas, and a lot to think about. Executives and activists. IBM, Google, Facebook, Gates Foundation, Twitter, Cisco, Musk… It’s too much for one post, but here are some highlights. Internet Trends…

June 1, 2016


Cisco at Code Conference, Day 1

It was a busy day to kick off this year’s Code Conference. A consistent energy of conversation and connection carried through the day. But that’s what happens when you bring together industry influencers to focus on digital technology, what it is today and how it will influence our future. Int…

May 19, 2016


Roomba for Improvement

Years ago, my family got a Roomba—we all watched wide-eyed as the robot vacuumed up crumbs, bumped into walls, magically “knew” when the whole room was done and docked itself to charge. Wow! The initial wow wore off after a few uses, but the device continued to delight: My young son giggled with gle…

April 20, 2016


Cisco and Fiserv: Transforming the Customer and Employee Experience

Authors: Jason Bettinger, Financial Services Business Transformation Director, Cisco Bradley Mason, Vice President, Sentry Performance Solutions, Fiserv Changing technology is driving big changes in consumer expectations – and within the workplace. Financial institutions must transform customer e…

April 11, 2016


Rethinking Customer Care for a Spark(ly) World

Anyone remember The Jetsons or Jetson’s reruns?  I loved Rosie, the Jetson’s robot assistant.  I dreamed of having Rosie clean my room and bring me snacks.    While I don’t have Rosie yet as my personal assistant, it is clear that electronic robots (“bots”) are playing a bigger role in how we collab…