Roomba for Improvement
Years ago, my family got a Roomba—we all watched wide-eyed as the robot vacuumed up crumbs, bumped into walls, magically “knew” when the whole room was done and docked itself to charge. Wow! The initial wow wore off after a few uses, but the device continued to delight: My young son giggled with gle…
Let there be “Networked” Light
How the Digital Age has us re-thinking the victor of the AC/DC wars. Remember when gas lighting gave way to electricity as the future for lighting? Me either, it was over one hundred years ago. A traditional incandescent light bulb, originating from the 1860’s, still produces light in the same way t…
From desktop to Data Center…changing the game with graphics
What if you were able to give everyone in your organization the flexibility and freedom to securely work anywhere in the world and on any device? What types of productivity gains would your company see as a result? What efficiencies or cost savings might your IT department receive from moving deskto…
When Is a Car Not a Car?
In my last post I talked about companies that are digitizing themselves, and the critically important role of software. When we think about IT and software, we often think of large enterprises and software that resides on servers. But in this new age of the software-centric company, software can liv…