Big Data
Why ISVs Must Transform In SMAC Environment
In today’s era of SMAC – Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud based solution, Pay-Per-Use licensing and Dev Ops software development methodology, Independent Software Vendors (ISV) are facing major challenges on many fronts. ISVs strive to differentiate from their competitors and gain new customers,…
Next Generation Applications and Data Analytics
I was speaking with a customer today at VMworld and, unlike many discussions, which are focused on the infrastructure (servers, storage, networking), this one turned primarily on the application. This person was describing to me his need to match the server to a new set of applications he is being a…
Paradigm Shift with Edge Intelligence
In my Internet of Things keynote at LinuxCon 2014 in Chicago last week, I touched upon a new trend: the rise of a new kind of utility or service model, the so-called IoT specific service provider model, or IoT SP for short. I had a recent conversation with a team of physicists at the Large Hadron Co…
Marketing Analytics adding heft to Digital Analytics
The worlds of Digital Analytics and Marketing Analytics have frequently led somewhat independent lives – with the Digital Analyst spending time looking at digital channels (web/mobile/social), reading out metrics, understanding conversion rates, focused on conversion funnels, A/B and multi-var…
The Bases are Loaded for a Cisco UCS Grand Slam
“The innovation pipeline is very strong, and you can expect to see announcements in the fall that will continue to accelerate our momentum with UCS and add to our competitive advantage.” Those are comments from Cisco’s earnings call last week, and on September 4th I hope you will join us for the unv…
Rocky Mountains High On Data Virtualization
I recently returned from my seventh annual Boulder BI Brain Trust presentation. The BBBT as everyone likes to call it, is unique in the business intelligence, data and analytics industry. Since 2006, the BBBT has advanced this industry by organizing half-day vendor presentations to their over 140 me…
Analytics: A New Model for Creating Great, Personalized Customer Experiences
While certainly exciting, buying a new house, can also serve as a revealing exercise in understanding data science. A couple of weeks ago I went to my bank to investigate my financial options for buying a new house. To my surprise, my account manager gave me a stack of paperwork to fill out—and I so…
The Key to Success in Tracking Mobile Devices: Symbiosis, Not Espionage
As a shopper enters a store, the retailer uses Wi-Fi to track her movements, interests, and shopping habits, providing a treasure trove of insight valuable to merchandising and product development alike. And as advances in Wi-Fi promise increasing location precision and beacons promise pinpoint loca…
Latin America Insights: Keeping Your Organization Safe in a Mobile World
The power of mobility has transformed the IT landscape. While mobility and other tech forces, such as cloud and big data, have enabled organizations to improve productivity and increase efficiency, the constant challenge of keeping data, assets and users secure continues to be a top concern for CIOs…