Big Data

October 14, 2014


Analytics for an IoE World

I recently wrote about how Cisco is helping customers more effective manage massive amounts of data, types of data and unprecedented distribution of data. This will be one of the toughest challenges brought on by the Internet of Everything (IoE) and, with solutions such as Data Virtualization and Bi…

October 9, 2014


Aligning Solutions to Meet our Customers’ Data Challenges

In our previous big data blogs, my Cisco associates have focused on the topic of building the best infrastructure for long-term success with big data. I’d like to start a new chapter in the series, focusing on building the right data strategy and analytics solutions. Today, people, process, data and…

October 9, 2014


Big Data, Cloud and IoE Explored at Data Virtualization Day 2014

With nearly 500 attendees joining together at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, the fifth annual Data Virtualization Day on October 1st, 2014 was the largest ever, 50% bigger than 2013’s record setting event.  From kickoff to closing reception, the vanguard of data virtualization gathered to exp…

October 8, 2014


IoE: So Much Data, So Many Great Partner Opportunities

You know the Internet of Everything (IoE) is gaining traction when you hear about it from the guy changing your oil. Earlier this month I was dropping off my car for its regular service when the technician began asking me how the Internet of Everything will change automobile maintenance and repair.…

October 8, 2014


Drop the IT-Centric Mindset: Securing IoT Networks Requires New Thinking

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a popular topic of discussion amongst security company executives, analysts, and other industry pundits. But when they begin discussing the technical details, it quickly becomes evident that many of the most experienced security professionals still approach Io…

October 7, 2014


To Succeed with Big Data, Enterprises Must Drop an IT-Centric Mindset; Securing IoT Networks Requires New Thinking

To help organizations who aspire to apply the power of big data enterprise-wide, Cisco provides a powerful, efficient, and secure infrastructure and a wide array of analytics solutions. In our previous blogs, others have highlighted the benefits of Cisco’s ability to provide the scalability, ability…

October 2, 2014


Enable Automated Big Data Workloads with Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler

In our previous big data blogs, a number of my Cisco associates have talked about the right infrastructure, the right sizing, the right integrated infrastructure management and the right provisioning and orchestration for your clusters. But, to gain the benefits of pervasive use of big data,  you’ll…

October 1, 2014


Introducing Cisco Information Server 7.0: Easy Access for Business Users, Larger Deployments, More Data

Today, at Data Virtualization Day 2014 in New York City, we proudly announced Cisco Information Server 7.0 (CIS 7.0). The latest version of our flagship data virtualization offering, CIS 7.0 extends data virtualization to new audiences, enables larger, more-complex deployments and integrates more da…

October 1, 2014


Cisco Data Virtualization

It is an exciting day for Cisco Data Virtualization, our data integration software that connects all kinds of data from across the network and makes it appear as if it is in one place and in one consolidated view. To see it in action, check out this video on how we replaced Denodo with our own data…