Digital Transformation
How Incumbents Can Thrive in a Digital World
Traditionally, incumbent companies have relied on three main competitive advantages to maintain their leadership positions over newcomers: 1) large customer bases, 2) strong brand equity, and 3) access to large amounts of inexpensive capital. Today, however, these attributes no longer provide the pr…
Electric Experience at the Barclays Center
The Brooklyn Nets have kicked off the 2015-2016 season at the Barclays Center, but for the first time ever the venue will also host a full slate of NHL games, as the New York Islanders have made the arena their permanent home this season. But whether fans are there to see slam-dunks or power-play ac…
Celebrating Cisco’s Four Marketing Excellence Awards!
If you’ve ever gone hiking through the woods, you know the importance of a trail marker. You can have a great map and plenty of wilderness experience, but sometimes the wild gets the better of you. All of the trees start to look the same. It’s disorienting. You can be on the right path all along, bu…
Back to Business: IoT Makes Traditional Industries Cool Again
The U.S. space program in the 1960s and ‘70s was a classic example of an innovation model that began with a government initiative, was applied to enterprise issues, and finally filtered down to consumers. Internet innovation in the early 2000s turned that model on its head by focusing first on consu…
Helping You Transform in a Digital Age
October marks five quarters since I took on a role to lead Cisco’s Internet of Things (IoT) Systems and Software Group, a critical business for Cisco to help organizations connect the unconnected. And, wow, what an incredible time it has been. I’m so proud of the many team accomplishments—from the I…
What it Takes to Be a Digital Predator and Not Become Digital Prey
For organizations looking to take advantage of the wave of digital disruption that’s sweeping industries on a global scale, getting into the heads of their customers is probably the best place to start. With tech trends like social, mobile, cloud and Big Data converging, organizations who want to re…
Experience the Smart City of the Future at the IoTWF Dubai
The 600 largest cities in the world are expected to generate 65 percent of global GDP growth through 2025—the impact of IoT technologies can be substantial states McKinsey Global Institute. With the Internet of Things World Forum rapidly approaching, I wanted to preview this year’s IoTWF Experience…
New Berlin Innovation Center Accelerates ‘Network Multiplier’
At yesterday’s inauguration of Cisco’s ninth Innovation Center in the world, Berlin’s smartest new facility was abuzz with startup-like excitement for the possibilities of what the new digital world can deliver. I mingled with Cisco colleagues, customers, partners, app developers, entrepreneurs, tho…
One Thousand and One Nights (of Digital Transformation)
High stakes can ride on the telling of a story. In One Thousand and One Nights, the legendary Persian queen Scheherazade tells 1,000 stories on successive nights to save her life from the vengeful sultan. She ensnares his imagination. Her words took him to places and times he’d never witnessed, cons…