
May 22, 2018


On Track Fitness with Cisco’s Customer Success Team

Honestly, I was a little nervous to work at Cisco. After spending a career in outside sales where I was always on the move, I worried what coming back into an office environment might mean for me. Would it mean being more sedentary? Would my teammates be “fine” with being chained to a desk all day?…

May 17, 2018


18 Years at Cisco, On Purpose.

I’ve been here for 18 years. On purpose. People ask me why. Recruiters speculate that I’m lazy (pfff) while coworkers call me crazy (not really, or at least not often, but it rhymed so nicely). 😉 The most important person who asks me this question is me. Many of us find ourselves asking, “Wh…

May 15, 2018


The Problem with Algorithms

Two year olds operate with a rather unique set of algorithms. Which is to say that they don’t follow the rules we adults have calculated for safety. One Friday morning, my tiny human leapt off of the couch and for a brief millisecond, all systems stopped; heartbeat, breathing, digestion. My panicked…

May 8, 2018


A Week of WOW moments at Cisco

There are so many “wow” moments at Cisco, that we almost get too used to it. So you’ll know when I tell you about my “wow” moment recently, you’ll know it was capital WOW. Cisco has a long-standing partnership with the National Basketball Association (NBA), which was recently showcased in Central Lo…

May 4, 2018


Star Wars Hacks for Living a Life of Adventure

Growing-up, I always felt akin to Luke Skywalker, as I anxiously awaited my chance to leave the farm and make a difference in the galaxy. I daydreamed of blasting off from home with a trusty side-kick (or two) and having a lifetime of adventures. With such a vivid imagination, and my need for advent…

May 1, 2018


Cisco New Hires and Why They #LoveWhereYouWork

What’s the next step after graduation? For most of us, it’s time to find a job!  Imagine my surprise (and excitement) when I saw a company like Cisco was hiring fresh graduates! I knew immediately a great opportunity had come my way. Without wasting any time, I got to work preparing my resume and dr…

April 26, 2018


Inspiring the Next Generation of Cisconians

“You can’t ever quit Cisco because then you would lose all those cool friends” – Edward J. Fontaine, age 8 It has always been extremely important to me that my son sees the work I do. That he knows while Daddy works hard, so too does Mommy. It is one of the main reasons I jump at any chance to bring…

April 24, 2018


Returning to Cisco – Here’s Why!

I decided to come back to Cisco! Why? Well, why NOT is a better question if you ask me! In 2015, I joined Cisco for the first time as a Sales Intern.  Of course, at this point in life I had no idea what to expect – I don’t even recall knowing what Cisco did. I’m sure I had heard of them before as I…

April 19, 2018


To err is human, to purr is feline

I’ve been with the Cisco Family now for 19 months as a Database Administrator here. The name kind of says it all, but I am responsible for taking care of our databases to ensure we are always backed up should a situation arise. Working in a technology company, you may think that’s all we’re about –…