
September 26, 2019


A Powerful Digital Solution for Total Health

Partner Success Story In a world where everything is digital and personal health is the holy grail, companies that merge virtual and in-person wellness experiences can gain a big following. That’s the intention behind CureFit, an India-based start-up that combines online and offline platforms to hel…

January 10, 2019


Are You Guilty of Sitting Too Much?

How many of you are guilty of having spent hours upon hours sitting at your desk with little to no movement?  I put myself in the top 2%! I work hard, starting at 6:30 am and usually ending around 5 pm or later. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been so focused, I look up and hours have passed w…

May 22, 2018


On Track Fitness with Cisco’s Customer Success Team

Honestly, I was a little nervous to work at Cisco. After spending a career in outside sales where I was always on the move, I worried what coming back into an office environment might mean for me. Would it mean being more sedentary? Would my teammates be “fine” with being chained to a desk all day?…

October 19, 2017


Cisco is the Reason, Not the Excuse to Stay Fit

Time. Everyone is always wondering how to get more of it, or how other people are effectively managing it! How do people have the time to wake up, make something for breakfast, drop the kids off at school, look presentable for an 8am meeting, work all day, eat lunch, pick the kids back up, make dinn…

February 28, 2017


How Mary Poppins Found her Inner Wonder Woman

People tend to call me because I’m a blend of helpful and optimistic – you might say a caffeine free way to start your day.   So when the phone rang, and I was asked to be part of a well-being initiative Cisco was introducing in our EMEAR region – my Mary Poppins nature kicked in with a quick, “Yes!…

May 12, 2016


Cisco Nigeria – Working it Out vs. Sitting in Traffic

After a day of innovating at work, one of the last things many people want to do is sit in traffic waiting to get home.  In Lagos, Nigeria – this is often what happens as the traffic creeps along resulting in over an hours’ worth of commute time.  Vivian Agu, a Cisco Virtual Sales Account Manager in…

November 8, 2013


My IoE World: Starting the Day Fit and Connected

Introduction It’s mind-boggling to see the speed at which people, process, data, and things are becoming more and more connected. The Internet of Everything (IoE) world is already happening.  But what does that world really look and feel like in our daily lives?  How are our everyday experiences cha…

In the Internet of Everything, “Everything” Includes YOU

You wake up feeling rested thanks to systems that “know” the best temperatures and lighting for your personal sleep patterns. While brushing your teeth, a smart (very smart) mirror tracks your vital signs and pronounces all systems go. It then suggests a high-protein breakfast, since the intensive f…