
March 28, 2019


How Cisco Enables Me to Be a Mom and Get Stuff Done

A Polar Vortex, canceled school, and a sick babysitter walk into my life. What’s a working mom to do? Well for THIS working mom who’s a Cisco Partner AccountManager in Wisconsin – I was able to grab an extra cup of coffee (okay, ALL THE COFFEE), set up a movie theater for my kids (complete with popc…

May 15, 2018


The Problem with Algorithms

Two year olds operate with a rather unique set of algorithms. Which is to say that they don’t follow the rules we adults have calculated for safety. One Friday morning, my tiny human leapt off of the couch and for a brief millisecond, all systems stopped; heartbeat, breathing, digestion. My panicked…

May 10, 2018


How Cisco Supports its Superheroes

Did you know that dressing and acting like a fictional television icon can actually make children more likely to finish a boring, repetitive task? It’s true, according to a recent study published in the journal ‘Child Development.’ Since I am a child at heart, there was only one conclusion for me: I…

June 22, 2017


Cisco Daycare Brings Calm To A Panicked First-Time Mom

A little more than three months after I came back from maternity leave, our nanny starting having severe morning sickness, and it became clear we needed to find an alternative daycare solution for our son.  I had been at Cisco for nine years, and knew that we had two different daycare centers in San…