
May 1, 2018


Cisco New Hires and Why They #LoveWhereYouWork

What’s the next step after graduation? For most of us, it’s time to find a job!  Imagine my surprise (and excitement) when I saw a company like Cisco was hiring fresh graduates! I knew immediately a great opportunity had come my way. Without wasting any time, I got to work preparing my resume and dr…

November 16, 2017


The Importance of Saying “Hello”

A new job can be daunting. There’s lots to learn, a new office to navigate, and likely – you don’t know anyone in the offices! This is why I make a point of chatting with people I don’t know. You never know who needs a new friend, or the great outcomes you may experience just by saying, “Hello!” Ima…

October 10, 2017


When Strangers Become Friends and Make an Impact Together!

Imagine entering a room with mostly strangers, and being tasked with improving the company. That’s what the recent HackIT event was for me (there’s another this week!), and as I sat down at a table only knowing one other person, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. What I found was a team that…