augmented reality

Augmented Reality: A New Reality for Utilities

Cisco has worked to bring the cloud closer to the ground through Fog and Edge Analytics, but what if we could bring the cloud right to the point of origin, to the place where the data is needed most? This is where IoT crosses the chasm between analytics and proactive interaction. It’s the new distor…

Will AR and VR Deliver Your “Real Life” Matrix Moments?

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”   That was 1999 – a seminal scene in the sci-fi motion picture “The Matrix.” Morpheus re…

December 1, 2016


The New Digital Deal: How retailers are transforming online shopping experiences and transactions

I need to preface this blog with a full disclosure statement. I love shopping! And apparently I am not alone in my affinity for all things retail. Let’s face it, many people enjoy the thrill of acquiring a new “bright shiny thing” or the high of getting a deal on something you need. However, the inc…

VR & AR: The Real Deal!

Pandora! In the motion picture Avatar, Pandora is a beautiful fictional place and a paradise for nature lovers. The 3D version of the film left a deep impression in my mind, as I am sure it did with many other moviegoers who might share my dream of experiencing a vacation in Pandora. Well, that may…

Game on!!!

This weekend, I evinced a big change in my youngest daughter. She emerged from her summer couch potato cocoon and blossomed into an active youngster chasing after fictional creatures in natural sunlight. Within 2 days of its launch, Pokémon Go had number of users almost at par with Twitter, the popu…

March 30, 2015


The Future of Retail Banking

During your morning workout at the gym, a device on your arm measures each step and connects with…your bank. By monitoring your healthy lifestyle, the bank can then arrange a lower rate on your health insurance. Later, when walking toward your office, you notice an apartment for sale in a neighborho…

February 5, 2015


In the Beauty Industry, IoE “Lights Up” How People Try On, Wear, and Even Produce Custom Makeup

Connecting Dark Assets: An ongoing series on how the Internet of Everything is transforming the ways in which we live, work, play, and learn. For months now, I’ve been talking about how the Internet of Everything (IoE) “lights up” dark assets—but I never thought I’d be talking about makeup in that…

December 10, 2012


Paper (and Other Things) That Come Alive #TomorrowStartsHere

Here is something fun you can do today with your smart phone or tablet. It’s an app that brings the Internet of Things alive from a newspaper or screen. How to get it: 1. First, go grab a copy of today’s global Wall Street Journal and find the Cisco TOMORROW Starts Here ad, which is in…