
Can the Tactile/Haptic Internet Take AR/VR to New Heights?

Touch — one of the 5 senses that humans are blessed to possess. And it’s the most important, in my opinion. Touch gives us a deeper understanding of the beings/things we are feeling, which cannot be fully experienced by sight, smell, hearing or taste. As children, we learn of the world through…

November 27, 2018


2018 Complete VNI Forecast Update – What’s Trending?

2018 Complete VNI Forecast Update – What’s Trending? This week, we released our annual Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast, which covers global, regional, and country-level projections and trends associated with fixed and mobile networks. The full report includes information and an…

XR on the Bay Recap: aka the Day Roger Didn’t Get to Meet Silicon Valley’s Gilfoyle (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1) Dave Ward, Cisco, left; Ben Havey, Walt Disney Studios, right, during “the reveal” of Disney’s StudioLAB Leslie Ellis: Such as what it takes to make a blockbuster film. As in, hundreds of people, and it takes months. Whereas with new and emerging VR tools,…

XR on the Bay Recap: aka the Day Roger Didn’t Get to Meet Silicon Valley’s Gilfoyle (Part 1)

Hi, it’s Rog. On June 26, at Cisco’s Building No. 9, in San Jose, we and the Advanced Imaging Society, hosted our first-ever “XR on the Bay: Where Silicon Valley Meets Hollywood” event. Jim Chabin, President of the AIS, kicked things off with a rather brilliant observation, which summed up the entir…

March 22, 2018


AImotive: Can Self-Driving Cars be as Safe as Airplanes?

Riding in a plane is significantly safer per mile than traveling by road. For the majority of people, driving or being a passenger in a motor vehicle is the most dangerous action they will perform in a day. Fatalities caused by aviation have steadily declined since the 1960s, but road safety has rem…

January 8, 2018


Leading the Next Wave of Video Content with Virtual Reality Technology by Pixvana

We are pleased to announce our investment in Pixvana, a rapidly growing augmented reality / virtual reality (AR/VR) technology startup that provides VR content platforms and creators with the tools they need to create and deliver high-quality next-gen video experiences. Cisco Investments has funded…

VR & AR: The Real Deal!

Pandora! In the motion picture Avatar, Pandora is a beautiful fictional place and a paradise for nature lovers. The 3D version of the film left a deep impression in my mind, as I am sure it did with many other moviegoers who might share my dream of experiencing a vacation in Pandora. Well, that may…

Watching The Games of tomorrow: How does the future of sports broadcasting look?

Sports broadcasting is on the cusp of a new era. One that will bring opportunities and challenges to broadcasters, content owners, athletes and fans. A once-simple landscape is now the territory of niche over-the-top (OTT) players and digital giants. And there’s revolutionary technologies like virtu…

Jump into virtual reality provision with the cloud

Virtual reality is getting a lot of play at the moment. It’s the hot topic in the gaming world and is now gaining traction in video. So how can you roll out the VR features consumers demand – quickly and at low cost? Virtual reality is enjoying rapid growth, and it looks set to have a transformative…