network performance
Is this the Golden Age of the Internet? (Perhaps the Best is Yet to Come)
This week, we released the first Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018 – 2023), a global, regional and country-level forecast with analyses that assess digital transformation across fixed broadband, Wi-Fi, and mobile (3G and below, 4G, 5G) networks. This comprehensive study has been developed by the sa…
Global IP Networks Focus on Sharpening Their Edge
According to the latest VNI forecast, global service provider networks are getting edgier. By 2022, a third of service provider network capacity will be at the edge or within the metro, growing up from 27 percent in 2017. While the capacity in core regional networks will be 24 percent (down from 25…
2018 Complete VNI Forecast Update – What’s Trending?
2018 Complete VNI Forecast Update – What’s Trending? This week, we released our annual Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast, which covers global, regional, and country-level projections and trends associated with fixed and mobile networks. The full report includes information and an…
How Network Performance Management Can Help Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Project
You might not always think of the network as a source of implicit funding, but when it comes to digital transformation projects, consider taking a closer look. It’s no surprise that digital transformation remains top of mind for CEOs. As a recent Gartner CEO survey reported, 42 percent of CEOs are n…
SON Isn’t Just Network KPI Improvements (Part 2)
In the first part of this blog series (SON Isn’t Just Network KPI Improvements-Part 1), we discussed the need for automation and simplification to address growing challenges in network complexity. This part will discuss 3 areas that are good starting points for any MNO considering a SON deployment a…
SON Isn’t Just Network KPI Improvements (Part 1)
Learn how Cisco SON helps MNO lower CAPEX and increase network efficiency The Challenge: In discussions with Mobile Network Operator (MNO) CTOs, the need for automation and simplification is a recurring theme. Legacy manual optimization methods are not keeping up with the network complexity and grow…