Digital Transformation

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Final Day Recap

The last few entries have talked quite a bit about the technologies, solutions, and services that Cisco and its partners bring to market for prospects and customers. That is the main reason that Cisco Live exists in the first place: it is a platform to showcase where networking and ancillary IT prod…

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 3 Recap

Several of us on the offer management team in Cisco’s Managed Services group were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to speak in various forums here at Cisco Live 2017.  On Day 3, a handful of us hosted a Lunch and Learn on accelerating adoption of IWAN by leveraging the power of managed servi…

Cisco Kinetic Unlocks the Power of Your IoT Data

On Tuesday we announced Cisco Kinetic, a first-of-its kind IoT operations platform designed to unlock the power of data from the billions of connected devices being added to the network. In recent years, companies across the globe have embraced the idea of a hyper-connected, digital world. Now I’m s…

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 2 Recap

Day 2 of Cisco Live is all about energy.  Everybody has arrived, so the conference halls are packed and the level of intensity is up a few notches.  Attendees have already done a pass or two through the exhibition halls, getting the high-level information they need (and maybe a bit of swag along the…

It Takes a Village: Cisco and IBM Break Down Barriers to IoT Success

IoT is a very hot topic and many enterprises have started their IoT journey. But a majority of those initiatives never make it past the proof of concept stage.  In a recent survey of 1,845 business leaders, Cisco found that 60 percent of IoT projects stall out at proof of concept and are never deplo…

Disruption and Transformation at Cisco Live Vegas: Day 1 Recap

You didn’t have to take too many steps through the conference halls at Mandalay Bay to understand what the hot topics of discussion are at Cisco Live 2017:  DNA and software-defined architectures, intuitive networks, meaningful and actionable analytics, and transformational technologies and services…

#CiscoChat Podcast | Ask the IoT Whiz: Migrating M2M Networks to IP

As we kick off Cisco Live Las Vegas, we are excited to announce the inaugural episode of #CiscoChat Podcast. #CiscoChat Podcast explores topics related to networking, IT, IoT, collaboration, security, cloud, data centers, and more. In this first installment of the #CiscoChat Podcast, we open with an…

4 Ways to Maximize Your Advanced Services Experience at Cisco Live Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas won’t stay in Vegas! The excitement is building around top transformation topics: cloud, security, optimization, analytics, and more. Be sure you’re in the know with industry-leading solutions demos and informative sessions from the Advanced Services experts at Cisco Live from…

Digital Experiences and the Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust: A Winning Combination for Fans

Our world is becoming increasingly connected and digitized as technology innovations continue to change at a rapid pace. At Cisco, we remain committed to helping our customers deliver the new experiences their customers demand, while at the same time capture the new business opportunities that are e…