UC – How does Cisco IT Support and Manage its UC Services?
Cisco IT supports all its services with a global service management and delivery team. I am the service owner for the IT UC and video team; we own the strategy, planning and delivery of voice and video services throughout the Cisco enterprise.…
Migration – How did Cisco IT get from Legacy PBX to Unified Communications?
There is plenty of reading collateral out on the internet that covers the “technology” side of migrating from a legacy voice system to IP Telephony and Unified Communications (e.g. Cisco Collaboration Systems Migration and the Cisco IT Migration Best Practice) but not much that covers the human aspe…
What is Cisco IT’s UC Global Cluster Architecture?
Over the last 15 years, we’ve progressively centralized our UC architecture. As WAN services have become bigger, better and more cost effective, we’ve been able to rely more heavily on the network to extend UC services out to the branch networks. …
The Road to Unified Communications – Flexibility, Mobility, Simplicity
When a particularly transformational technology comes along, Cisco IT sets out to be Cisco’s first and best customer. We use it, adopt it, and prove it adds value to the business. By doing this, we’re not only able to show customers the value of our product, but we’re also able to find new-technolog…
How Cisco IT Manages UC and Video Services
Cisco IT is transforming itself to deliver IT As A Service (ITAAS), and this is changing the way we deliver all IT services internally, including our unified communications (UC) and video services. For the business, we offer transparent IT cost information and (over time) cost reduction, as well as…