Head in the Clouds? A Milestone Towards Comprehensive Headset Management
Everything Started so Promisingly If you’re an IT decision-maker who has purchased headsets for users, you know it can be an investment with one of the most uncertain returns: you buy them, distribute them, and then begins the challenge of tracking headsets and troubleshooting audio issues. A time-c…
Building Custom Call-Center Solutions for Attentive Client Service
There is nothing better than quality service. Whether it is your waiter at dinner, the clerk at the grocery store, or the operator on the other end of your service call. And there is nothing worse than poor service. Being juggled around from one agent to the next, only to find no one on the other en…
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager Evolution–Only the Fittest Will Survive
Unified Communication Manager Evolution Blog Series The evolution blog series focuses on the latest developments of Unified Communications Manager, what’s new in the latest versions, the best functions and features that clearly demonstrate the value of upgrading older versions, whether that…
Importance of naming standards in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
In network engineering I have learned that the biggest lie I tell myself is that “I do not need to write this down.” That being said, when you are in the heat of troubleshooting a production issue I really try to design my systems so that I can tell what the heck something does by a label or good na…
UC – How does Cisco IT Support and Manage its UC Services?
Cisco IT supports all its services with a global service management and delivery team. I am the service owner for the IT UC and video team; we own the strategy, planning and delivery of voice and video services throughout the Cisco enterprise.…
How to Make Free Phone Calls at Work – 5 Tips from Cisco IT
Every company gets phone bills. Whether you use hardware phones or laptop software phones or mobile phones, video phones or audio phones, your calls have to get carried over the some service provider’s network, and that costs money.…
How Does Cisco Keep Voice Costs Down?
How does Cisco keep voice costs down with our Unified Communications voice service?…
What is Cisco IT’s UC Global Cluster Architecture?
Over the last 15 years, we’ve progressively centralized our UC architecture. As WAN services have become bigger, better and more cost effective, we’ve been able to rely more heavily on the network to extend UC services out to the branch networks. …
Cisco IT – Why So Many CUCM Clusters?
Last week, we looked at the question “How close to the phones does the CUCM cluster have to be?” There was no easy or set answer to this question, but we acknowledged right at the start that minimizing the number of clusters is probably a good idea. So why, then, does Cisco IT have so many clusters?…