AI in Cisco IT Operations: Finding Golden Needles in Ever Larger Haystacks
Customers often ask us whether artificial intelligence (AI) will be the kind of game changer that analysts are predicting. From what I’m seeing, the answer is an unconditional yes. The trick is figuring out the right use cases. While any computer can calculate pi to a million places faster th…
Seis Maneras de Mantenerse Seguro con un Presupuesto
El Malware ha evolucionado drásticamente en los últimos 20 años, desde niños malintencionados con códigos maliciosos que rompen cosas solo por diversión, pasando por el espionaje corporativo y nacional, hasta una industria multimillonaria. Ninguna empresa, ningún hogar, ningún lugar con electrónica…
Six Ways to Stay Secure on a Budget
Malware has evolved dramatically in the past 20 years – from malicious script kiddies breaking things just for fun, to corporate and nation-state espionage, to a multimillion dollar industry. No company, no home, nowhere with advanced electronics is safe. Whether you know it or not, you depend…
Three New Security Realities That Every CSO Should Face
Anyone responsible for keeping their Enterprise information secure has to understand three events that have changed the nature of Cyber-Security forever: 1. The Perimeter has Disappeared There used to be a strong perimeter defined by the network endpoints, which were all inside secured corporate bui…
How Cisco IT is Enabling Fast(er) IT
Cisco IT EMEAR Data Centre Day highlighted the technology path Cisco IT has taken toward a far Faster IT, and Digitization. And most of it is taking place in our Data Centre today. Like most, every major business advancement comes from a mix of people, processes and technology. Each impacts the othe…
A Fast Day for Fast IT
I was at Cisco IT EMEAR Data Centre Day today, surrounded by about 100 Cisco customers, sales, and IT people. This customer event was the first large European event where Cisco IT shared our own DC experience directly with customers. Cisco IT has a lot of experience deploying powerful new technology…
The Origins of Fast IT
Fast IT – It started in our Data Center, and now it’s everywhere “Fast IT” started for Cisco as “Easy IT”. It was our data center infrastructure engineers who saw that they could automate a 3-week job (building virtual server infrastructure in the data center) in under…
To Outsource IT, or Not to Outsource IT? That is the Question.
Sharing IT stories is the backbone of Cisco on Cisco, and architecture is the backbone of IT. What happens when you outsource ALL of your IT, including the architecture? Sure, it may sound like a good idea, and there definitely are positive aspects to outsourcing some parts of IT; but when you lose…
Why IT Standardization?
Cisco IT has over our history become more and more standardized, with standard architectures (which are continuously upgraded to meet future business needs), and standard products, designs, software versions, and configurations. But we’ve never really told the story about WHY we have standardi…