
December 1, 2016


Heterogeneity as a New Network Normal

Three Keys to Success: Preparing your mobile network for 5G. Learn more: Download our new 5G ebook While much of the focus in the press on 5G has been around the definition of a new radio interface and the architecture to support such, it is increasingly evident that if 5G is going to deliver on it…

November 29, 2016


Cisco and Apple: Understanding the Innovation

What if the world’s leading mobile devices communicated at a deeper, more trusting level with the world’s leading corporate networks? That was the question that Apple and Cisco asked themselves when they announced their new partnership last year. Their answer: a faster, more engaging user experienc…

November 18, 2016


Okay, but what are you trying to do?

Going Digital, Digitization, The Digital Experience are all terms being thrown around these days and I am often asked “what does that really mean?”.  While the industry has done an amazing job of creating new buzz words, it is hard for the everyday technologist to link them to anything practical.  W…

November 14, 2016


TechWiseTV: Indoor Location Accuracy, a World of Possibility

“Location, location, location.” It’s no longer just the rallying cry of the real estate industry. Today, businesses of all stripes are tracking the location of smartphones—presumably attached to people roaming their stores, facilities and offices—to gain critical insights into how, when, and why the…

November 10, 2016


Big Data is Big Business for Quantium

According to IDC, the big data market, including services such as analytics, is expected to reach nearly $50 billion by 2019. Luckily for Quantium, data is in its DNA. Australia’s largest analytics business is happily riding the wave on the booming global big data industry. Quantium’s customers—incl…

September 26, 2016


Give Your Store a Makeover: Designing Your Property for Wireless

Today wireless is taking on a new role for retailers, hoteliers, and sports venues to engage with their customers. No longer just a tool for the supply chain, the intimacy of Wi-Fi provides new opportunities to build customer loyalty, increase engagement, and gather metrics that help you understand…

September 14, 2016


The Perfect Match: Mobility Express and CMX Cloud

Peanut butter and jelly. Sonny and Cher. Han Solo and Princess Leia. Just a few examples of life’s greatest love stories. Sure, each one as a standalone is great, but the two together? It’s a perfect match. Today, there’s a new pairing in town. Cisco Mobility Express and Connected Mobile Experiences…

Making Voice over Wi-Fi really work

Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi) is growing as a service that mobile operators offer to customers. That’s because it helps you solve issues with poor coverage and takes some strain off your cellular network, customer support and technical services. But in order to achieve a first-class VoWi-Fi service tha…

Voice over Wi-Fi’s value to service providers and users

Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi) is a relatively new technology that’s already had a good reception from mobile network operators. And that’s because it fixes one of the top issues of your customers: poor mobile reception indoors. Here’s a quick overview: https://youtu.be/7AKO96-ZWoU Solving problems at h…