February 21, 2019


The Open vRAN Wave is Building

The Open vRAN movement started with some smaller waves and the anticipation of a larger wave to form. It was driven by a belief that the fundamental way that mobile networks have been built for decades needed to evolve and improve. Legacy architectures, that were useful in the past, have outlived th…

December 11, 2018


Vodafone-Netherlands Ziggo takes RAN Automation to the Next Level of Excellence

Vodafone-Netherlands (Ziggo) announced that they are taking their RAN automation to the next level and are building the required capabilities toward automation in the 5G Era with the commercial implementation of Cisco SONFlex. How Vodafone-Netherlands Ziggo uses SONFlex Vodafone-Netherlands has leve…

Cisco joins Open Air Interface to accelerate open multi-vendor RAN splits

Back in February we announced the open-nfapi project, a set of libraries and simulators that implement the Small Cell Forum’s nFAPI MAC/PHY split base station architecture. We described the need for many of the verticals identified as targets for new 5G use cases to be able to serve all employees, c…

February 17, 2017


Multi-Operator Essentials for 5G Success

5G needs to be architected to thrive in an environment where an increasingly higher percentage of overall mobile data is being consumed from indoor environments, and where the businesses that are responsible for those indoor environments are increasingly requiring wireless service be offered to all…

December 19, 2016


Are you ready for 5G xHaul?

If you’ve been following Mobility you’ve probably read a blog or browsed a website touting the importance of the transformation to 5G. Research 5G a bit further and you’re likely to find volumes of information about the evolution of the radio access network (RAN) and exciting possibilities with virt…

December 1, 2016


Heterogeneity as a New Network Normal

Three Keys to Success: Preparing your mobile network for 5G. Learn more: Download our new 5G ebook While much of the focus in the press on 5G has been around the definition of a new radio interface and the architecture to support such, it is increasingly evident that if 5G is going to deliver on it…

September 17, 2015


Leading the Evolution of the Mobile Packet Core

I was reading the latest ACG Research report on Mobile IP Infrastructure and reflecting how the importance of the IP Packet Core has evolved, and how the technology leaders in this area have also evolved. Back in the “3G era” the Packet Core sat alongside the Voice Core, and was considered an adjunc…

December 16, 2014


Deliver Agility with Policy

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone talks to you about Policy? Chances are, you think of rules and regulations telling you about what you cannot do while on a mobile app or online. You don’t think about Policy as a way to set you free or a way for your Service Provider to make thi…

February 27, 2014


Cisco and the Evolution of the Service Provider Network

On February 18, Cisco announced the evolution of service provider (SP) networks. It is probably a good idea to step back, just a little, and explain how Cisco sees the challenges ahead and how we intend to continue to provide our mobile service provider customers with the strongest portfolio of solu…